7.106 Can all those millions of Muslims be wrong?

Can all those millions of Muslims be wrong?
By: A. Muhammad


Among the huge number of truths asserted in the Quran, the following six interlocked truths set the basis for this article.

 The Quran has all the details of the religion.
Second: The sunna of God is the only authorised sunna to follow.
Third: Muslims should not follow any hadith other than the Quran.
Fourth: God is the only lawmaker.
Fifth: The only duty of the messenger is to deliver God's message.
Sixth: Upholding any source of religious law other than the Quran is an act of shirk.

First: The Quran has all the details of the religion

Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed

This (Quran)
 is not a fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what came before it, a detailed account of all things, and guidance and mercy for people who believe. 12:111

We did not leave anything out of the Book6:38
We brought the Book down to you providing explanations of all things16:89

Second: The sunna of God is the only authorised sunna to follow

Such was the Sunna of God for those who passed on before. You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God.

: Muslims should not follow any hadith other than the Quran

These are God's revelations (Quran) that We recite to you with truth, so in which hadith other than God and His revelations (Quran) do they believe?

Which hadith after it (Quran) do they believe in7:185

A Book has been brought down to you
, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it. It is a Reminder for the believers.
Follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Rarely do you remember! 7:2-3

Or do you have some book in which you are studying? 68:37

So in which hadith after it (Quran) do they believe? 77:50

Fourth: God is the only lawmaker

Shall I seek other than God as a 'hakaman' (lawmaker) when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 

On one occasion, prophet Muhammad overstepped his authority and prohibited an item that was made lawful by God. This was immediately followed by a reprimand for the prophet:

O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful. 

Besides being a reprimand to the prophet of God, this verse serves as a reminder for all readers of the Quran, until the end of the world, of God's exclusive right in being the only lawmaker. For the importance of this matter, the whole Sura is called 'The Prohibition'.

: The only duty of the messenger is to deliver God's message

The sole duty of the messenger is the delivery (of God's message).

: Upholding any source of religious law other than the Quran is an act of shirk.

Or do they have partners who legislate for them of the religion what God did not authorise? If it were not for a decisive Word, judgement would have already been passed over them. Indeed, the transgressors shall have a painful punishment. 

What God authorised is found in the Quran and not in any other book.
The deliberate use of the word "partners" in 42:21 indicates that following any source of religion other than the Quran is to set partners with God (Shirk). In this case, the source of law people uphold besides the Quran becomes a partner with God in lawmaking. That is why it becomes an act of shirk.


Despite the very clear instructions and rules in the verses above (premises), the largest majority of Muslims in the world today (of all sects) do not submit to the principles asserted in these verses!
This is because the bulk of Muslim preachers in the world today preach the exact 
opposite of the truths contained in the verses above! They preach the following:

1- The Quran does not have all the details. By making such a claim, they expose their disbelief 
in 6:114, 6:38, 12:111 and 16:89 (see above).

2- The sunna of God is not the only sunna, there is also the sunna of prophet Muhammad which the believers must follow. By making such a claim, they expose their disbelief in 33:62 (above).

3- The Quran is not complete on its own. The religion is complete only through the sunna of prophet Muhammad. By making such a claim, they expose their disbelief in God's assurance that He has completed the religion for us in the Quran, "Today, I have completed your religion for you." 5:3

4- Muslims should follow the hadith of the prophet and not just the Quran. By making such a claim, they expose their disbelief in 45:6, 7:185, 7:2-3, and 77:50 (above).

5- God is not the only lawmaker. Prophet Muhammad has been given the authority to be a lawmaker. 
By making such a claim, they expose their disbelief in 6:114 and 66:1 above.

6- Islam derives its law from four sources and not just the Quran, they are:
1- The Quran
2- The sunna of the prophet
3- Consensus of the Ulama
4- Analogy

how, the majority of Muslims in the world today have allowed themselves to be tricked into believing the six claims above and rejecting all the verses which these claims violate!
To accomplish this devious ploy, they have been made to think that such verses have hidden meanings that only the Imams have monopoly over, or that they are addressed to other people and not to Muslims, or that they are related to pre-Quranic times, or one or another conjured up explanation!

Genuine believers who believe the Quranic words above unconditionally are not fooled by such twisted interpretations. They know that the Quran is a book without crookedness, and thus, only the straightforward and direct meaning is the correct one:

An Arabic Quran without any crookedness

Genuine believers are certain that God means exactly what He says. The meaning of any Quranic verse should therefore be derived solely from the words of the verse, without the addition or removal of any single word.

Such believers, in accepting the clear messages of the above verses, then implementing it by following the Quran alone, immediately find themselves under pressure from other Muslims who are still following the old corrupt ways.
The pressure they are put under will at times create an inner doubt in them. The believer finds himself in isolation while the largest majority of Muslims around him are following the hadith and sunna of the prophet. The realisation that one is among a very small minority does not help in eliminating the doubt within. In fact, it only increases it. The doubt building up causes the believer to ask a number of questions.

How can accepting the Quran as the only source of Islam be correct when 99% of all Muslims are doing otherwise, can all these millions be wrong?

God in His infinite wisdom already knew that such doubts may creep into the hearts of the believers, and so He gave us the following important information which leads us not to doubt when we find ourselves among a small minority:

If you were to obey the majority of those in the earth, they will mislead you away from the path of God. They follow nothing but conjecture; they only guess. 

The majority of people
, no matter how eager you may be, are not believers12:103

The words in 6:116 tell us that the majority of the human race will lead us away from the path of God. In addition, the words in 12:103 tell us that the majority of all people are disbelievers.
Muslims scholars claim that the above verses speak about non-Muslims. That is totally incorrect because in those verses God used the words "those in the earth" (all mankind) and "majority of people" (all mankind) without specifying or excluding any category of people.
But that is not all. The following verse speaks about all "who believe in Allah". This includes all Muslims:

The majority of those who believe in Allah do not do so without committing shirk. 

As mentioned, shirk is the act of setting partners with God in any of His exclusive rights. 
In 12:106, God also used the important words "the majority". This asserts the sad truth that the majority of those who believe in God (which includes all Muslims) are in fact committing shirk! Note that those who believe in God are already a small minority in the first place (12:103). This means that the ones who genuinely worship God alone without committing shirk are a very tiny minority among the human race.
It follows that when those who follow other sources besides the Quran tell us, "How can we all be wrong?" we would have the Quranic assurance that, indeed, the majority of all people are disbelievers (12:103), and that the majority of all Muslims who believe in God are committing shirk (12:106). Our reply in that case would be, "Because God said so."
On the Day of Judgement, the disbelievers and Mushrikeen, who formed the largest majority of the human race on earth, and who arrogantly boasted, "How can we all be wrong" will be told:

Your large numbers did not avail you
, nor did your arrogance! 7:48

The outcome of the enlightening Quranic truths in 6:116, 12:103 and 12:106 is that if we should find ourselves among the majority, that is the time when we should really worry and not the other way around.

 If it is true that the majority are astray, then why did God not guide the millions upon millions of Muslims?

The answer to this question is given in the following Quranic words:

Have those who believed not yet accepted that God could have guided all people if He so willed? 

God could have guided all the people if He so willed, but submission to God must be the choice of the human being in order to have credibility and to be worthy of the reward (Paradise). What credit would submission to God have if it were imposed on all people?
It is for that reason that God granted the human being free choice. God constantly sends the guidance to all people in the shape of His Scripture and His messengers.
The 6 truths presented above (premises) are worded in a very clear and decisive manner. If some people deliberately choose not to follow the Quran and instead follow other religious sources, would they deserve God's blessings?

 What about the preachers, Imams and scholars who have spent many years studying and preaching the Quran? Are they not more knowledgeable than ordinary people? Could all of those also be wrong?

The reply to this question is in 2 parts:

 Purity of faith and belief is not dependent on studying, nor on the intelligence of a person. If that was the case, then we would expect to find that all the intelligent well educated people are the most genuine believers, while those with simple minds and little or no education to be atheists. But we know that is not how such things work. This formula would indeed work with regards to studying any academic subjects, but it is not a formula that works with faith and sincerity of belief.
The decider when it comes to the purity of faith of a person is the heart and its content and not the mind and its intelligence/knowledge.
Those who will be saved on the Day of Judgement are those who come to God with a pure heart and not who come with intelligent brains:

The Day when neither wealth nor children can be of any benefit, but the only benefit will be for those who come to God with a pure heart. 

Those who disbelieved and those who committed shirk did not do so because they lacked knowledge or intelligence, but because they harboured sickness in their hearts:

In their hearts is sickness. Consequently, God increased their sickness and they shall have a painful punishment because they used to lie. 

The outcome of the above is that spending many years studying and memorising the Quran by heart does not necessarily guarantee purity of faith and submission to God.
A person will be a genuine submitter to God if his heart is sincerely devoted to God, even if he cannot read or write.

 It is important to distinguish between two types of preachers:

a- Preachers who are sincerely devoted to God, preaching and inviting to the path of God without asking for any return.
b- Preachers for whom religion is their livelihood.

The second type (b) are by far the largest majority. Such preachers are obliged to teach the established and accepted ideology of the state. They know that if they should veer in the slightest from the accepted ideology, they would immediately lose their jobs and their livelihood. What they teach is a reflection of their vested interests and not necessarily their convictions.
We will find that all the preachers and Imams who fill the mosques are employed by the state and the religious institutions. They are of the second type of preachers.
In contrast, a preacher who does not preach for any material gain, but for the love of God, is more trustworthy to listen to:

Follow those who do not ask you for any reward and who are guided. 

Those who strive in the cause of God with their time, effort and lives are guided by God:

As for those who strive in Our cause, We will guide them to Our paths. 

If the reader still finds it difficult to accept that the very largest number of preachers could be teaching corrupt teachings, then he is requested to consider the example of Christian priests, bishops, ministers and all other church preachers.
The number of Christians in the world is greater than Muslims. The number of Churches with their preachers and clergy is also greater. All church preachers today preach a number of blasphemous doctrines. They have made God a third of a 'Trinity', and they also preach that Jesus is God on earth!
So have they all got it wrong? Yes, they all got it wrong.
How did all the years they spent studying their Scriptures avail them in preaching the true religion?

What about the 1 billion Hindus who worship a number of gods, one of which is with the head of an elephant? Have they all got it wrong?
The answer once again is: Yes, they all got it wrong.
How did all the years they spent studying their Scriptures avail them in preaching the true religion?

Why would it be out of the question for the Muslim preachers to have also got it wrong? Has the devil misguided all peoples of the world, yet he has a liking for the Muslims, so he left them alone?
The truth is that the devil has misguided all people, just as he promised God that he would:

He said, "By Your majesty, I will lead them all astray, except for Your pure 
servants among them." 38:82-83

God tells us that Satan's opinion of the human race turned out to be correct:

Satan has indeed confirmed his thoughts about them to be true
, for they followed him except for a group of believers. 34:20

The pure servants of God who are not disbelievers and who are not committing shirk are indeed a very small minority (see 12:103 and 12:106 above). When we accept this truth, we would have a much better chance of eliminating all doubt.


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