7.111 Abortion

Does the Quran allow abortion?
By A. Muhammad

This article aims to answer the important question of whether abortion is allowed by God in the Quran or is it prohibited. Also, in case it is allowed, is there a cut-off point during the pregnancy after which abortion becomes unlawful?
The opinion that allows abortion states that it is allowed during the first 3 months of pregnancy. They add that if performed during such a period, there would be no violation with the Quran. The core of this view is based on the claim that the soul is not placed in the fetus except after the third month of pregnancy.
Before addressing this view, and the subject of abortion as a whole, it is necessary to agree on fixed terminology. When abortion is discussed, there are various terms that are used interchangeably. Not all of those terms have Quranic reference. Since this paper aims to analyse abortion from a Quranic perspective, it is necessary to use Quranic terms and Quranic concepts.

Soul vs Self

The Quranic word "nafs" is the 'self'. In contrast, the word "soul" is more of a Biblical word that has no Quranic equivalent. For that, it is more accurate to confine this research to the word 'self'. Some have also used the word 'soul' as a translation of the Quranic word Ruh. This is also inaccurate simply because the knowledge of the Ruh rests with God alone (17:85). Naturally, if we have no knowledge regarding what exactly the Ruh is, to translate the word Ruh into any English word, which ultimately suggests a specific meaning, would be misleading. If the meaning of a Quranic word is unknown, it should not be translated, but left as it is.

In addition, since we do not know what the Ruh is, it also follows that we have no knowledge as to when the Ruh is present and when it is absent. All claims to the contrary are no more than speculations.

Human vs Person

The Arabic word 'Insan', used in the Quran 65 times, means 'human being'. This word encompasses all what makes a living human throughout his life on earth. This includes the human body, the self, and the Ruh which God blows into the human being (15:29) to grant him life.
In contrast, the word 'person' does not have a definitive equivalent in the Quran. For that reason, the word 'human being' will be the word to use in this research.


The claim that abortion does not violate Quranic law if performed during the first 3 months of pregnancy has been advocated by various writers. In order to facilitate reference to this group of writers in this article, this claim will be referred to as 3MA (three months abortion).

Claim 1
The fetus does not have a soul except after 3 months

To justify this claim, the proponents of the 3MA refer to the following 2 verses:

We instructed the human being to treat his parents kindly. His mother bore him
laboriously and gave birth to him laboriously. Carrying him and weaning him takes thirty months46:15

Mothers may suckle their infants two full years should they elect to complete such a period of suckling. 2:233

The calculation:
Pregnancy + weaning = 30 months (46:15)
Weaning = 2 years, or 24 months (2:233)

As a result, the time of pregnancy can be calculated as follows:
30-24 = 6 months

They add that since the normal pregnancy period is 9 months, therefore the period of pregnancy that is not considered to bear a soul is 3 months, or to be exact, 86 days.

Wait a minute! Neither of the 2 verses above speak directly or indirectly about the soul or any terms of similar connotation. To add the word 'soul' to the assessment of the 2 verses is indeed an encroachment on the Quranic text. Any conclusion arrived at by adding any term that is foreign to God's words cannot be considered verified nor justified.

The Analysis

Apart from the addition of external terms to the text of the 2 verses, the following points are to be considered:

 The calculation used above regards the 2 year period of weaning (2:233) to be a fixed constant. And so, when the 24 months of weaning (2:233) were subtracted from the 30 months (46:15), the remaining months left for pregnancy were 6 months. This was somehow interpreted to mean that the fetus has a soul only during the last 6 months of pregnancy!
There are a number of problematic issues that result from such an interpretation. One obvious error is that the weaning period is not a fixed 2 year period. This assumption is based on the wrong interpretation of 2:233. So let us examine this verse:

Mothers may suckle their infants two full years should they elect to complete such a period of suckling. 2:233

We need to focus on the word "may suckle" and also the words "should they elect to complete such a period of suckling". These words affirm that the 2 years of weaning period is a flexible voluntary period decided by every mother. What is not fixed should not be used as a fixed constant from which any conclusions are to be derived.
Many women, in fact the majority of women, suckle their babies for much less time. This is well within their rights. By doing so, they would not be breaking any Quranic laws.
In contrast, the pregnancy period of 9 months is not a voluntary period but applies to all women (baring abnormal exceptions). Therefore, it would be more apt to subtract the fixed 9 months of pregnancy from the 30 months. This would leave 21 months for weaning.

If that is so, why did God say that weaning can be in 2 years (24 months) in 2:233? The simple answer is that God gave mothers the choice to extend the weaning period to 24 months should they wish to do so.

That is exactly why we read the words 
"may suckle" (voluntary) and also the words "should they elect to complete such a period of suckling" (voluntary).

The 21 months of weaning is therefore the standard period God designed for weaning. This can be extended by mothers by choice to a full 24 months.

Now let us consider the following scenario:
A woman finds that she is pregnant and decides that when her baby is born she will complete the full 24 months of weaning, as per 2:233. Would that mean that she can only be pregnant for 6 months so as to keep the total at 30 months as per 46:15?
Obviously not, she will still have a 9 months pregnancy. The result is that for such a mother "carrying and weaning" her child will extend to 33 months (24+9).

This very plausible scenario confirms that it is the period of pregnancy (9 months) that is the constant while the period of weaning is the flexible. Thus, the process of subtracting what is flexible (24 months weaning) from the 30 months does not produce any reliable conclusions.
For that reason (among others), the claim that the 2 verses above indicate 6 months of soul-bearing pregnancy is totally unfounded.

Claim 2The fetus is not a human except after 3 months

Despite the fact that none of the words in 46:15 and 2:233, nor in all the Quran, say directly or indirectly that the self or the human being does not come into existence except after 3 months of pregnancy, somehow it is also claimed that the fetus does not become a human except after 3 months of pregnancy.

The Analysis

In addition to the evidence presented above, the Quran provides solid evidence to the contrary.

 We instructed the human being to treat his parents kindly. His mother bore him laboriously and gave birth to him laboriously. Carrying him and weaning him takes thirty months46:15

It is very important to note that the words of the verse speak specifically about the 
"human being". The words go on to state that carrying "him" (the human being) and the weaning of "him" (the human being) takes 30 months. The words "carrying him" speaks of every day of the pregnancy and not only the last 6 months. Mothers do not start carrying the fetus in their womb after 3 months of pregnancy! As a result, the words in 46:15 tell us that throughout the period of pregnancy (9 months), what is inside the womb of the mother is a "human being". The conclusion of the above is that abortion, at any stage of pregnancy results in the killing of a "human being".

 Now let us take a look at the following two groups of Quranic verses:

Group 1

From among His signs is that He created you from dust, then behold, you are human beings spreading out. 30:20

He is the One who created you from clay then decreed a term; a term that is known to Him, yet you go on doubting. 6:2

When your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a human being from clay. 38:71

Group 2:

He is the One who designs you in the wombs as He wills. There is no other god except Him, the Dignified, the Wise. 3:6

He creates you in your mothers' wombs, creation after creation, in three realms of darkness. 39:6

He had full knowledge of you when He initiated you from the earth, and when you were embryos in your mothers' wombs. So do not claim purity for yourselves; He knows best who are the reverent ones. 53:32

The verses in group 1 provide information about what the human being is created from. God created the human being from dust and clay. Does that mean that the human being is clay or dust? The answer is no, the human being was only created from such earthly material but the human being ultimately becomes flesh and bones.

The verses in group 2 carry great significance. In these verses God is addressing the human being and using the words 
"designs you""creates you" and "you were embryos".
The word 
"you", repeated in every verse, is of great significance. God is addressing every one of us and telling us that we were at one stage an embryo (53:32). To assign the word "you" to every stage of our creation inside the womb means that we were human beings from the first day of conception, albeit not fully developed yet. Indeed, the embryo is a living being and so is the fetus at every stage.

Note that in the group 1 verses, God never said 'you were dust' or 'you were clay', but that we were 
"created from clay". The contrast between this and the word "You were embryos" is all too clear. Indeed, when we die we become dust once more, but that is because we cease to be human beings then.
At every stage inside the womb, we were human beings. This once again affirms that abortion, at any stage, is killing a human being.

Above allThe Divine Plan

It is God's will that an embryo is planted in the womb of the mother. When this happens, it becomes a Decree from God that a new human being is destined to come to life:

We settle in the wombs what We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as infants after which you reach your maturity. 22:5

The will of God that a new human being is born is the same on the first day of conception, 3 months into the pregnancy and also on the last day of pregnancy, except if God Himself wills otherwise (natural miscarriage, still birth, etc).

For any human being to terminate a pregnancy at any stage is to interfere with God's will. Nowhere in the Quran is there any authorisation for any human being to terminate what God deemed to be created in a mother's womb, which is a new human being.

To conclude, all claims that permit abortion, at any stage of the pregnancy, are products of the erroneous interpretations of various Quranic verses. They are also guilty of deriving implications that are not supported by the words of the verses in question. 

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