8.125 Are we created in God's image?

 Are we created in God's image?

By: A. Mohamed

According to the Old Testament, man was created in the image of God:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness ..." (Genesis 1:26)
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
 (Genesis 1:27)

The purpose of this article is to examine the authenticity of the Biblical passage in Genesis. Normally, the Quran would be the only source used for evidence, however, in this article Quranic as well as Biblical references are used. Biblical verses are used for the benefit of the readers and followers of the Bible who do not accept the credibility of the Quranic evidence.
It can be shown that the concept of 'man created in the image of God', as in Genesis 1:26-27, is in contradiction to a number of other Biblical verses. It can also be shown that this concept is categorically refuted in the Quran. 

FIRST: The true worth, nature and image of God is far beyond human comprehension

A number of Biblical verses state that we can never comprehend what God is like:
- How great is God - beyond our understanding! (Job 36:26)
- Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. (Psalms 145:3)

If we were created in God's image, then God would not be completely beyond our understanding, for then we would at least know what God looks like.

The Quranic words affirm the same truth that we can never comprehend anything about the nature of God:

They did not value God according to His true worth
. The whole earth is within His grip on the Day of Resurrection and the universes are folded up in His right hand. Glory to Him and exalted is He, far above whatever they associate with Him39:67

SECOND:Are the words "in the image of God" literal?

There are some Biblical scholars who do not endorse the literal sense of the words "in the image of God". This may have been due to the difficulty of reconciling the literal sense of the Genesis concept with the other Biblical verses.
As a result, they suggest that the Biblical words "in the image of God" should be understood in terms of similar characteristics and not as a literal visual likeness.

According to this interpretation, being created in the image of God does not mean that God has 
two arms, a nose and a mouth. Rather, it is saying that the basic characteristics of the human being are derived from similar characteristics of God. So for example, both God and man have a mind, emotions and awareness. In the Bible, God is sometimes portrayed as sad, angry or joyful. The same range of emotions are also shared by man.
This interpretation can be refuted on two counts:
1- The words used in Genesis are "in the image of God". The word image means a visual representation. Emotional characteristics are not visual. 
2- If being created "in the image of God" relates to characteristics that are shared by God and humans, such as sadness, anger, joy, then we should conclude that animals are also created "in the image of God", for animals also show expressions of sadness, anger and joy. Animals also have a brain, awareness and they express emotions.

THIRD: Does anything in the universe bear resemblance to God?

Once again, we find a number of Biblical verses that state the exact opposite of the concept in Genesis:
- Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. (Isaiah 46:9)
How great you are, Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.(2 Samuel 7:22)

There is no one like you, LORD, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears. (1 Chronicles 17:20)

The statement 'none is like God', which is common to the above three verses, is proclaimed in absolute manner; it is not restricted to any narrow meaning. Thus, the message is that none is like God in any way.
If we (humans) had the same image as God, the above words would be invalid, since we would be like God in image.
The Quranic words assert the same truth with the words:

And none is akin to Him. 

If there was any resemblance in image between us and God, the words in 112:4 would be untrue, or at least partially untrue. Rather, no one is akin to God in any way.

FOURTH: Why do we look like we do?

Our physical bodies are created in the form they are so that we would be able to function in the physical universe we find ourselves in. Our bodies contain various apparatuses and receptors that allow us to detect and interact with our physical surroundings.
Our eyes are apparatuses designed to receive visible light waves and convert them to particle images in the brain.
Similarly, our ears are apparatuses designed to receive a range of sound waves and convert them to audible messages in the brain.
The same applies to our other senses (touch, taste and smell) which are assigned to the apparatuses of skin, tongue and nose respectively.

He is the One who devised for you the hearing, the sight and the hearts. Rarely do you give thanks. 

Or do they have eyes with which they see? Or do they have ears with which they hear? 

God created the universe and all that is in it. God also set all the laws that govern the way everything in the universe operates. Since God created the universe, and since God always existed, long before He created the universe, it follows that God is not in any way subject to, or bound to anything in the universe that He created.
The apparatuses we are given (eyes, ears, etc) are necessary to intercept and make sense of the waves, particles and forces that operate around us. Our apparatuses compensate for our limitations. In contrast, God does not have any limitations that require specialized apparatuses (eyes, ears, etc).


It can be concluded from the above that it is totally insolent to entertain the thought that we look like God in any way. In fact, it is highly insulting to God's Majesty to even suggest that we resemble God in any shape or form. More humble, and indeed factual, is to remember our miniscule size and place within God's creation. The human being is but one species among millions of others created by God and placed on an insignificant planet (Earth) revolving around an insignificant star, our Sun. The Sun is one of billions of other stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is one galaxy among billions of other galaxies in the vast universe.
That is our true miniscule size in the vast universe, but even the vast universe is a mere creation of Almighty God. 
Every part of our body, an apparatus devised by the One God, is of meager capability. Such apparatuses devised by God enable us to detect and interact with a miniscule amount of information (waves, energy, matter) that surrounds us. Ultimately, nothing about us or our extreme limitations, or indeed in the whole universe that surrounds us, is in any way akin to God. Be He glorified.

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