him a great reward.
[48:11] The Arabs who lagged behind will say to you, "We were preoccupied with our money and our families, so ask forgiveness for us." They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, "Who possesses for you any power against God if He willed harm to befall you or He willed benefit to come to you?" Rather, God is All-Aware of what you do.
[48:12] But no, you thought that the messenger and the believers would never make it back to their families. Such a thought was most appealing to your hearts! You harboured evil thoughts, and you were a wasted people.
[48:13] With regards to whoever does not believe in God and His messenger, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Blaze.
[48:14] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[48:15] When you go forth to collect spoils, those who lagged behind will say, "Let us follow you." They wish to alter God's Words. Say, "You may not follow us. Thus did God say before." They will then say, "No, you just envy us." Rather, it is but little that they understand!
[48:16] Say to the Arabs who lagged behind, "You will be called up against a people of great might whom you must fight unless they submit. If you obey, God will grant you a fine reward, but if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment."
[48:17] There is no blame on the blind, nor is there blame on the cripple, nor is there blame on the sick. Whoever obeys God and His messenger, He will admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. And whoever turns away, He will punish him with a painful punishment.
[48:18] God was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and so He brought down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest,
[48:19] as well as numerous spoils for them to take. God is Dignified, Wise.
[48:20] God has promised you numerous spoils that you will take. He has hastened this for you and restrained people's hands against you so that it may be a sign for the believers, and so that He may guide you to a straight path.
[48:21] There were also others that you were not able to attain and which God has encompassed. God is Capable of all things.
[48:22] Had the disbelievers fought you, they would have turned their backs, and then they would not have found an ally or supporter.
[48:23] Such is the Sunna of God that has passed away before, and you will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God.
[48:24] He is the One who withheld their hands against you and your hands against them inside Mecca after He made you victorious over them. God is Seer of what you do.
[48:25] They are the ones who disbelieved and repelled you from the Masjid Al-Haram and with the offerings being prevented from reaching their destination. Had it not been for some believing men and believing women whom you did not know, you may have trampled them underfoot, thereby incurring guilt without knowledge. God thus admits into His mercy whom He wills. If they had become separated, We would have punished the disbelievers among them with a painful punishment.
[48:26] When those who disbelieved filled their hearts with rage, the rage of the days of ignorance, God brought down His tranquillity upon His messenger and upon the believers and bound them to the word of reverence. They had more right to it, and were worthy of it. God is Knowledgeable of all things.
[48:27] God has fulfilled His messenger's vision truthfully: "You shall enter the Masjid Al-Haram God willing secure with your head's hair shaved and shortened, and with no fear. He knew what you did not know, and so He has granted besides this an imminent conquest."
[48:28] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to make it manifest over all other religions, and God suffices as a Witness.
Footnote 48:28 – See footnote 9:33.
[48:29] Muhammad, the messenger of God, and those with him are stern with the disbelievers and merciful amongst one another. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking favour from God and consent. Their traits are evident in their faces, displaying the signs of submission and humility. Such is their example in the Torah. And their example in the Injeel is like a plant that sprung its shoots and became stronger and thicker until it stood up straight upon its stalk, thus pleasing the farmers and enraging the disbelievers. God promises those among them who believe and do good deeds forgiveness and a great reward.
Footnote 48:29 - The phrase 'simahum fi wujuhihim' has often been translated as (their marks are on their faces), and also as (their marks are on their foreheads). It can be shown that both are incorrect.
Footnote 48:29 - The phrase 'simahum fi wujuhihim' has often been translated as (their marks are on their faces), and also as (their marks are on their foreheads). It can be shown that both are incorrect.
1- The word 'wujuhuhim' means (their faces) and not (their foreheads). The Arabic word for foreheads is 'jabeen' ( see 37:103 and 9:35).
2- As for the word 'simahum', this can mean marks or features and can also mean traits and characteristics. Seemat (noun) means traits or characteristics. The verb 'yattasim' means: characterised by. The word 'simahum' appears in six Quranic verses: 2:273, 7:46, 7:48, 47:30, 48:29, and 55:41.
3- The words in 48:29 are 'in their faces'. Verse 48:29 is the only verse of the six verses which links the word 'simahum' with 'their faces'. A notable word in the phrase "in their faces" is the word "in". If the subject was the marks on the faces, the words would have been (on their faces), especially since these exact words (on their faces) are already used in a number of Quranic verses: 12:93, 17:97, 22:11, 25:34, 54:48, and 67:22.
4- The deliberate use of the words "in their faces" tells us that the words do not speak of visual marks or features on the faces. The verse speaks of the inner traits/characteristics of the believers. The inner traits of a person emanate from within.
5- The words continue to say that these traits appear 'in their faces' as a result of 'al-sujood'. The word 'sujood' is used in the Quran in two different meanings:
a- Physical prostration, as in 25:64.
b- Submission and humility, as in 2:58, 4:154, 7:161.
Since the words do not speak of physical marks (on the faces), it is the second meaning (b) that is in harmony with the words and message of 48:29. The traits of the believers, such as submission, content and humility, emanate from within the believers and radiate from their faces. Other Quranic verses convey the same truth, such as:
"You recognise in their faces the radiance of bliss" 83:24.
Once again, we read the words 'in their faces' in 83:24. The radiance of bliss is not a physical feature nor a mark on the faces of the believers.
Sura 49 The Chambers (Al-Hujuraat)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[49:1] O you who believe, do not put yourselves before God and His messenger, and reverence God. Indeed, God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
[49:2] O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the prophet, and do not shout when you talk to him in the way you shout at one another, lest your work is nullified while you do not realise it.
[49:3] Those who lower their voices while in the company of the messenger of God are the ones whose hearts God has tested for reverence. They shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
[49:4] Those who call out to you from behind the chambers, most of them do not reason,
[49:5] for had they been patient until you came out to them, it would have been better for them. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[49:6] O you who believe, if a wicked person comes to you with some news, you shall investigate lest you wrong some people out of ignorance, then you become regretful over what you have done.
Footnote 49:6 – The instruction in this glorious verse lays a duty on all believers to verify the truth of all that they hear before accepting or rejecting it, no matter what the source of the news is. Even if the news was transmitted through a wicked person, believers should still verify and investigate its truth and not dismiss it on account of its source.
[49:7] And know that among you is the messenger of God. Had he obeyed you in many matters, you would have faced difficulty, but God has endeared the faith to you and adorned it in your hearts. And He made disbelief, wickedness, and disobedience hateful to you. Those are the rightly guided.
[49:8] Such is a favour from God and a blessing. God is Knowledgeable, Wise.
[49:9] If two groups of believers fight, reconcile between them. Then if one group aggresses against the other, fight the aggressing group until they revert to God's command. If they revert, reconcile between them with justice. And act equitably. Indeed, God loves the equitable.
[49:10] The believers are but brethren, so reconcile between your brethren and reverence God so that you may attain mercy.
[49:11] O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than them. Nor shall some women ridicule other women, for they may be better than them. And do not insult one another or call each other names. How evil it is to acquire a name for wickedness after attaining faith! Those who do not repent are indeed the transgressors.
[49:12] O you who believe, avoid excessive suspicion. Indeed, some suspicion is a sin. Do not spy nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You certainly hate this. And reverence God. Indeed, God is Redeemer, Merciful.
[49:13] O people, We created you from a male and female and rendered you various peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another. The most noble of you in the sight of God is the most reverent. Indeed, God is Knowledgeable, All-Aware.
[49:14] The Arabs said, "We have believed." Say, "You have not believed. Rather, you should say, 'We have submitted,' for belief has not yet entered into your hearts." If you obey God and His messenger, He will not deprive you of any of your deeds. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
Footnote 49:14 – It is possible for any person to observe the rituals of Islam and thus be called a Muslim, even if their belief is not strong. Therefore, people should not say 'we are believers' too easily; not before true belief is in their hearts.
[49:15] Rather, the believers are those who believe in God and His messenger, then have no doubt, and strive with their money and themselves in the cause of God. Those are the truthful ones.
[49:16] Say, "Are you teaching God your religion when God knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and when God is Knowledgeable of all things?"
[49:17] They act as if they are granting you a favour that they have submitted! Say, "Do not act as though you are granting me a favour with your Submission. Rather, it is God who bestows favour upon you by guiding you to the faith if you are truthful."
[49:18] God knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and God is Seer of what you do.
Sura 50 Q (Qaaf)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[50:1] Q and the Glorious Quran.
[50:2] Nonetheless, they found it strange that a warner came to them from among them, and so the disbelievers said, "This is a strange thing!
[50:3] After we die and become dust; a return would be far fetched."
[50:4] We know what the earth reduces of them, and We have a Book that preserves everything.
[50:5] Yet they denied the truth when it came to them, and thus they are in a confused state.
[50:6] Have they not looked at the sky above them, how We constructed it and adorned it, and how it has no rifts?
[50:7] And the earth, We extended it and placed in it stabilisers, and We grew in it of every beautiful pair;
[50:8] an eye-opener and a reminder for every servant who turns to God.
[50:9] And We brought down blessed water from the sky with which We grew gardens and grains for harvesting,
[50:10] and towering palm trees that have arranged clusters
[50:11] as provisions for the servants, and with it, We brought to life a dead land. Likewise will be the resurrection.
[50:12] The people of Noah denied before them, and the Companions of Al-Russ, and Thamoud,
[50:13] and Aad, and Pharaoh, and the brethren of Lot,
[50:14] and the Companions of the Woods, and the People of Tubbaa. All of them denied the messengers, so My warning was rightly deserved.
[50:15] Were We worn out by the first creation? Yet they are in doubt about a new creation!
[50:16] We created the human being, and We know what his own self whispers to him, and We are closer to him than the jugular vein.
[50:17] When the two receivers receive, they are seated on the right and on the left.
Footnote 50:17 - The 'receivers' are the angels who record the deeds of all humans.
[50:18] Not a word does he utter without there being with him an ever-ready observer.
[50:19] And the trance of death came with the truth; that is what you were trying to evade.
[50:20] And the horn was blown; that is the Day of the Warning.
[50:21] Every self came accompanied by a herder and a witness.
[50:22] You have been in obliviousness regarding this. Then We removed from you your cover, and so your sight today is iron-strong.
[50:23] The companion said, "This is what I have ready with me."
[50:24] Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever,
[50:25] preventer of good, transgressor, sceptic,
[50:26] who has set up another god besides God, so throw him into severe punishment.
[50:27] His companion said, "Our Lord, I did not make him transgress. Rather, he himself was in extreme misguidance."
[50:28] He said, "Do not argue before Me when I have already warned you.
[50:29] The Word cannot be changed with Me, and I am not unjust towards the servants."
[50:30] That is the Day when We say to Hell, "Are you full?" and it will say, "Are there any more?"
[50:31] Paradise was brought near to the reverent, not far.
[50:32] This is what you were promised. It is for every devoted repentant one;
[50:33] the one who feared the Almighty though unseen and came with a heart that always turned to God.
[50:34] Enter it in peace. This is the Day of Immortality.
[50:35] They shall have whatever they wish for therein, and We will have even more.
[50:36] And how many a generation We have annihilated before them! They were of greater striking power than them, and they rummaged the land. Did they find any escape?
[50:37] In this is a reminder for anyone who has a heart or who decides to listen, having been a witness.
[50:38] We have created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, and no weariness has touched Us.
[50:39] So be patient in the face of what they say, and glorify your Lord with praise before the rising of the sun and before sunset,
[50:40] and during the night glorify Him, and after prostrating.
[50:41] And listen on the Day when the caller calls from a nearby place.
[50:42] The Day when they will hear the blast delivering the truth; that is the Day of Emergence.
[50:43] Indeed, it is We who bring to life and put to death, and to Us is the ultimate destination.
[50:44] On the Day the earth splits open from around them, and they hurriedly emerge; that is a gathering that is easy for Us.
[50:45] We know best what they say, and you are not a tyrant over them. So remind with the Quran those who fear My warning.
Sura 51 The Scattering Winds (Al-Dhaariyaat)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[51:1] By the scatterers that scatter,
[51:2] and those carrying a load,
[51:3] and those speeding along with ease,
[51:4] and those distributing the command:
[51:5] what you are promised is certainly true,
[51:6] and the reckoning will surely take place.
[51:7] By the heaven that has pathways,
[51:8] you are uttering conflicting sayings.
[51:9] Deluded away from it is he who is deluded.
[51:10] Woe to the conjecturers
[51:11] who are heedless, in a state of confusion.
[51:12] They ask, "When is the Day of the Religion?"
[51:13] On the Day when they are tormented over the Fire,
[51:14] "Taste your torment. This is what you sought to hasten!"
[51:15] Indeed, the reverent will be in gardens and springs,
[51:16] receiving what their Lord has granted them, for before that, they were indeed good-doers.
[51:17] They used to sleep but little of the night,
[51:18] and before dawn, they would ask forgiveness,
[51:19] and in their money, there is a decreed right for the beggar and the deprived.
[51:20] There are signs in the earth for those with certainty,
[51:21] and also in yourselves. Can you not see?
[51:22] In the heaven lies your provision and that which you are promised.
[51:23] By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, it is certainly the truth, as true as the fact that you speak.
[51:24] Has the story of Abraham's honoured guests reached you?
[51:25]When they entered upon him, they said: "Peace." He said, "Peace, O unknown people."
[51:26] Then he went to his family and came with a fat calf.
[51:27] He placed it close to them, saying, "Will you not eat?"
[51:28] He then harboured a fear of them. They said, "Do not fear," and gave him the good news of a knowledgeable boy.
[51:29] His wife approached with a shriek. She struck her face and said, "A barren old woman?"
[51:30] They said, "Thus said your Lord. Indeed, He is the Wise, the Knowledgeable."
[51:31] He said, "So what is your mission, O messengers?"
[51:32] They said, "We have been sent to a criminal people,
[51:33] to send down upon them stones of clay,
[51:34] marked from your Lord for the excessive ones."
[51:35] We thus evacuated whoever was in it of the believers,
[51:36] and We did not find in it except one house of Submitters,
[51:37] and We left in it a sign for those who fear the painful punishment.
[51:38] Likewise, in the case of Moses when We sent him to Pharaoh with clear authority,
[51:39] but he turned away to his corner of aids and said, "A magician, or a madman."
[51:40] So We seized him and his soldiers and cast them into the sea, and he was blameworthy.
[51:41] Likewise, in the case of Aad when We sent upon them the barren wind.
[51:42] It leaves nothing that it passes over without turning it to dust.
[51:43] Likewise, in the case of Thamoud when they were told, "Enjoy yourselves until a certain time",
[51:44] then they were defiant against the command of their Lord, so the thunderbolt seized them as they looked on.
[51:45] So they were unable to rise, and they were not victorious.
[51:46] And the people of Noah previously; they were a wicked people.
[51:47] And the universe, We constructed it with might, and We are expanding it.
Footnote 51:47 - When the Quran was revealed in the 7th century, it was still thought that the size of the universe was fixed and unchanging. It was not until 1929 that Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding, just as the Quran stated many centuries earlier. It is also noteworthy that the word 'expanding' in 51:47 is in the 'continuous' mode. This is in harmony with the fact that the expansion of the universe is a continuous process.
[51:48] And the earth, We furnished it. How admirable a Preparer We are!
[51:49] And of all things, We created a pair; may you take heed.
Footnote 51:49 - The words 'of all things, We created a pair' have been misinterpreted to mean that God created a male and female of every plant and every animal. Due to this erroneous interpretation, the sceptics labelled the Quran as scientifically inaccurate since there are some species that are exclusively parthenogenetic (one sex), like members of the Monera Kingdom.
However, the word 'pair' in 51:49 does not speak of the male and the female but of a much more comprehensive arrangement. Specific keywords in the verse direct us to the correct meaning:
The words 'all things' indicate that God is speaking about the creation of everything in the universe and not just the creation of the plants and animals on earth.
The science of Quantum Mechanics tells us that for every elementary particle in the universe, a corresponding particle called anti-matter was also created. Matter and Anti-Matter are the pair God speaks about in the creation of 'all things'.
When the Quran was revealed in the 7th century, nothing was known about anti-matter or Quantum Mechanics.
[51:50] So flee to God. I am a clear warner from Him to you.
[51:51] And do not set up another god with God. I am a clear warner from Him to you.
[51:52] Similarly, no messenger came to those before them without them saying, "A magician, or a madman."
[51:53] Have they bequeathed this to one another? Rather, they are a transgressing people.
[51:54] So turn away from them, for you are not to be blamed.
[51:55] And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.
[51:56]I have not created the jinn and the humans except to worship Me.
[51:57] I require no provisions from them, nor do I require them to feed Me.
[51:58] Indeed, it is God who is the Provider, the Possessor of Power, the Robust.
[51:59] Those who have transgressed will suffer a share just like the share of their companions, so they should not hasten Me.
[51:60] So woe to those who disbelieved from their Day that they are promised.
Sura 52 The Mount (Al-Toor)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[52:1] By the mount,
[52:2] and an inscribed Book
[52:3] in a parchment laid open,
[52:4] and the frequented House,
[52:5] and the raised ceiling,
[52:6] and the sea that is set aflame:
[52:7] your Lord's punishment will surely take place.
[52:8] There is none that can prevent it.
[52:9] On the Day when the sky will sway violently,
[52:10] and the mountains move forcibly;
[52:11] woe on that Day to the deniers
[52:12] who are engaged in vain discourse, playing.
[52:13] On the Day they are called to the fire of Hell forcibly:
[52:14] "This is the Fire which you used to deny!
[52:15] Is this magic then? Or is it that you do not see?
[52:16] Roast in it! Then be patient, or do not be patient, it is all the same for you. You are only repaid for what you used to do."
[52:17] Indeed, the reverent are in gardens and bliss,
[52:18] enjoying what their Lord has granted them, and their Lord has shielded them from the punishment of Hellfire.
[52:19] Eat and drink joyfully in return for what you used to do.
[52:20] They recline on lined up couches, and We paired them with companions with beautiful eyes.
[52:21] For those who believed and whose offspring followed them in faith, We let their offspring join them, and We did not deprive them of any of their deeds. Every person is held in pledge by what he has earned.
[52:22] And We supplied them with fruit and meat such as they desire.
[52:23] They will pass around a cup that does not lead to idle talk or sin.
[52:24] Passing around them will be young boys assigned to their service, like well-protected pearls.
[52:25] They approached one another, inquiring.
[52:26] They said, "We used to be in fear beforehand among our families.
[52:27] Then God bestowed favour upon us and shielded us from the agony of the scorching fire.
[52:28] We used to implore Him beforehand. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful."
[52:29] So remind, for you are not, by the blessing of your Lord, a soothsayer or a madman.
[52:30] Or do they say, "He is a poet, and we await some disaster to befall him"?
[52:31] Say, "Wait then! I am, along with you, among those who wait."
[52:32] Or do their dreams dictate this to them? Or are they a transgressing people?
[52:33] Or do they say, "He made it up"? Rather, they do not believe.
[52:34] So let them produce a hadith like it if they are truthful.
[52:35] Or were they created by nothing? Or are they the creators?
[52:36] Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they have no certainty.
[52:37] Or do they possess the treasuries of your Lord? Or are they the controllers?
[52:38] Or do they have a stairway that enables them to listen? Then let their listener produce a clear authority.
[52:39] Or to Him belong the daughters, and to you belong the sons?
[52:40] Or are you asking them for a payment that leaves them weighed down with debt?
[52:41] Or have they knowledge of the unseen, so they are writing it down?
[52:42] Or do they wish to scheme? In fact, it is the disbelievers whom the scheming will harm.
[52:43] Or do they have a god other than God? Glory to God, far above what they associate with Him.
[52:44] If they were to see lumps falling from the sky, they would say, "Piled up clouds."
[52:45] So leave them until they meet their Day when they will be struck down.
[52:46] That is the Day when their schemes will not avail them in any way, nor will they be supported.
[52:47] Those who transgressed shall have a punishment besides that, but most of them do not know.
[52:48] Wait patiently for your Lord's judgment, for you are under Our eyes, and glorify your Lord with praise when you arise.
[52:49] And glorify Him during the night, and as the stars fade out.
Sura 53 The Star (Al-Najm)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[53:1] By the star when it falls away,
[53:2] your friend was not misguided, nor was he misled,
[53:3] nor does he speak out of personal desire.
[53:4] It is but an inspiration being inspired.
[53:5] He was taught by one mighty in power,
[53:6] possessor of authority. He acquired perfect form
[53:7] while he was at the highest horizon.
[53:8] Then he moved down and hung suspended.
[53:9] He was two bows' length away or closer.
[53:10] He then inspired to His servant what he inspired.
[53:11] The heart did not lie about what it saw.
[53:12] Do you then dispute with him about what he saw?
[53:13] He saw him in another descent,
[53:14] by the lote-tree at the farthest point
[53:15] at which lies the Garden of Refuge.
[53:16] When that which covered the lote-tree covered it,
[53:17] the sight did not deviate nor transgress.
[53:18] He saw some of his Lord's greatest signs.
[53:19] So have you seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzzah,
[53:20] and Manat, the third, the other one?
[53:21] Is the male for you and for Him the female?
[53:22] This would then be an unjust distribution!
[53:23] They are but names that you made up, you and your fathers. God has not brought down any authorisation for them. They follow nothing other than conjecture and what the selves desire, even though the guidance has come to them from their Lord.
[53:24] Or is the human being to have whatever he wishes,
[53:25] when to God belong the Hereafter as well as the first?
[53:26] How many an angel is there in the heavens whose intercession is of no benefit at all, except after God gives permission to whom He pleases and approves of?
[53:27] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter give the angels female names.
[53:28] They have no knowledge about it; they only follow conjecture. Conjecture is of no avail whatsoever against the truth.
[53:29] So stay away from the one who turned away from Our remembrance and desired nothing other than the worldly life.
[53:30] This is the extent of their knowledge. Indeed, your Lord knows best who has strayed away from His path, and He knows best who is guided.
[53:31] To God belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. He will repay those who commit evil for their work and will reward those who do good deeds with what is best.
[53:32] They are the ones who stay away from major sins and immoralities, except for minor offences. Indeed, your Lord is of vast forgiveness. He had full knowledge of you when He initiated you from the earth and when you were embryos in your mothers' wombs. So do not claim purity for yourselves; He knows best who are the reverent ones.
[53:33] Have you seen the one who turned away,
[53:34] gave little and withheld?
[53:35] Does he have knowledge of the unseen, enabling him to see?
[53:36] Or was he not informed of what is in the Scrolls of Moses,
[53:37] and Abraham who fulfilled:
[53:38] that no burden-bearer bears the burden of another,
[53:39] and that the human being has nothing to count for him except his own work,
[53:40] and that his striving will surely be seen
[53:41] whereupon he will be repaid for it with the fullest reward,
[53:42] and that to your Lord is the final destination,
[53:43] and that it is He who brings about the laughter and the weeping,
[53:44] and that it is He who puts to death and brings to life,
[53:45] and that He created the two sexes, the male and the female
[53:46] from a tiny drop when it is ejaculated,
[53:47] and that it is upon Him to bring about the other creation,
[53:48] and that it is He who enriches and who suffices,
[53:49] and that He is the Lord of Sirius,
[53:50] and that He annihilated the earlier Aad
[53:51] and Thamoud which He did not spare,
[53:52] and previously, the people of Noah who were more unjust and transgressing,
[53:53] and the overturned town which He brought tumbling down
[53:54] then it was covered by that which covered it;
[53:55] so which of your Lord's favours do you dispute?
[53:56] This is a warning like the former warnings.
[53:57] The Imminent has drawn near.
[53:58] None other than God can unveil it.
[53:59] Are you then astonished at this Hadith?
[53:60] And you laugh and not weep
[53:61] while you amuse yourselves?
[53:62] So prostrate to God and worship.
Sura 54 The Moon (Al-Qamar)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[54:1] The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split open.
[54:2] And if they see a sign, they turn away and say, "Incessant magic."
[54:3] They denied and followed their personal desires, but every matter has its time of settlement.
[54:4] News has indeed come to them, which contained deterrents
[54:5] of profound wisdom, but the warnings have been of no avail.
[54:6] So turn away from them. On the Day the caller calls to something terrible,
[54:7] with subdued eyesight, they will emerge from the graves as if they were spread out locusts.
[54:8] Rushing headlong to the caller, the disbelievers will say, "This is a difficult Day."
[54:9] The people of Noah denied before them. They denied Our servant and said, "A madman," and he was jeered away.
[54:10] So he implored his Lord, "I am overpowered, so help me."
[54:11] So We opened the gates of the sky with pouring water,
[54:12] and We caused springs to gush out of the earth. And so the waters were joined in accordance to a matter that was predestined.
[54:13] And We carried him on that which was made of planks and nails.
[54:14] It sailed before Our eyes; a reward for one who had been rejected.
[54:15] And We left it as a sign, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:16] How then were My punishment and warnings!
[54:17] We made the Quran easy for the remembrance, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:18] Aad denied.How then were My punishment and warnings!
[54:19] We sent upon them a howling wind on a day of incessant misfortune.
[54:20] It plucked the people away as though they were uprooted palm tree trunks.
[54:21] How then were My punishment and warnings!
[54:22]We made the Quran easy for the remembrance, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:23] Thamoud denied the warnings.
[54:24] They said, "Are we to follow one single human being from among us? Surely we would then be in misguidance and sheer madness.
[54:25] Of all of us, has the Reminder been sent down to him? Rather, he is an impudent liar."
[54:26] They will know tomorrow who the impudent liar is.
[54:27] "We are sending the she-camel as a test for them, so watch them and be patient.
[54:28] And inform them that the water is to be shared between them, each drinking in turn."
[54:29] But they called on their companion. He was paid, and he hamstrung her.
[54:30] How then were My punishment and warnings!
[54:31] We sent upon them a single blast whereupon they became like a thatcher's dry stubble.
[54:32]We made the Quran easy for the remembrance, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:33] The people of Lot denied the warnings.
[54:34] We sent upon them a shower of stones, except for the family of Lot whom We saved before dawn;
[54:35] a blessing from Us. We thus reward those who give thanks.
[54:36] And he had already warned them of Our strike, but they dismissed the warnings.
[54:37] They tried to prise his guests away from him, so We obliterated their eyes, and so: "Taste My punishment and warnings."
[54:38] Early morning brought upon them an enduring punishment,
[54:39] and so: "Taste My punishment and warnings."
[54:40]We made the Quran easy for the remembrance, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:41] The warnings came to Pharaoh's people.
[54:42] They rejected Our signs, all of them, and so We seized them; the seizing of a Dignified, Omnipotent.
[54:43] Are your disbelievers better than those? Or have you been granted amnesty in the Scriptures?
[54:44] Or do they say, "We are united, and we shall be victorious"?
[54:45] The multitude will be defeated, and they will turn their backs.
[54:46] Indeed, the Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour is more disastrous and bitter.
[54:47] Indeed, the criminals are in misguidance and sheer madness.
[54:48] On the Day they are dragged on their faces into the Fire: "Taste the touch of Saqar."
[54:49] We created all things in precise measure.
[54:50] And Our command is issued just once, and is like the blink of an eye.
[54:51] We have annihilated those of your kind, so is there any who will take heed?
[54:52] Everything they did is contained in the records.
[54:53] Every small or large thing is written down.
[54:54] The reverent are amidst gardens and rivers
[54:55] in a position of truth at an Omnipotent King.
Sura 55 The Almighty (Al-Rahman)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[55:1] The Almighty
[55:2] taught the Quran.
[55:3] He created the human being.
[55:4] He taught him the art of expression.
[55:5] The sun and the moon, running with utmost precision,
[55:6] and the stars and the trees prostrate.
[55:7] And the heaven, He raised it and set the balance.
[55:8] So do not transgress in the balance.
[55:9] Establish the weight justly, and do not undercut the balance.
[55:10] And the earth, He appointed it for the creatures.
[55:11] In it are fruits and palm trees with hanging fruit,
[55:12] and grains with husks and fragrant herbs.
[55:13] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:14] He created the human being from clay like pottery,
[55:15] and He created the jinn from a fusion of fire.
[55:16] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:17] The Lord of the two easts and the Lord of the two wests,
Footnote 55:17 - Out of a number of interpretations of this verse, the interpretation that is in harmony with scientific knowledge is related to the two solstices: the summer solstice (21st June) and the winter solstice (21st of December).
These two astronomical points, along with the journey of the earth around the sun, represent the shortest and longest days of the solar year. Consequently, the two rising points 'two easts' and the two setting points 'two wests' of the sun, during the two solstices, give the location of the observer when closest and furthest away from the sun.
[55:18] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:19] He merged the two seas, and they converge together,
[55:20] yet a barrier lies between them which they do not transgress.
[55:21] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:22] Out of both of them come pearls and coral.
[55:23] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:24] To Him belong the constructed ships, sailing in the sea like flags.
[55:25] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:26] All who are on it will perish,
[55:27] and there remains the Face of your Lord, the Possessor of Majesty and Generosity.
[55:28] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:29] Imploring Him are those in the heavens and the earth. Every day He sees to some matter.
[55:30] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:31] We shall deal with you, both of you weighty ones.
Footnote 55:31 - The two groups whom God will 'deal with' on Judgment Day are the humans and the jinn (55:33). The analogy of the words'weighty ones' is better understood when we note that great multitudes of humans and jinn will arrive on Judgment Day heavily burdened by the weight of their sins (6:31, 16:25, 29:13). We read in 12:103 that the majority of the human race are not believers. And in 12:106, we read that the majority of those who believe in God, who are already a minority (12:103), are committing shirk. The jinn are not any better since they are the descendants of Satan (7:27), and they are responsible for misleading multitudes of humans (6:128).
[55:32] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:33] O tribes of jinn and humans, if you are able to penetrate through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then go ahead and penetrate. You will not penetrate without authorisation.
[55:34] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:35] Fire and smoke projectiles will be unleashed upon you, and you will not be able to defend yourselves.
[55:36] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:37] And when the heaven splits open, becoming a rose as in a painting,
Footnote 55:37 – For many centuries, this verse was thought to be allegorical in meaning up until the year 1786 when William Herschel discovered the 'Cat's Eye Nebula'. This glorious nebula, which is estimated to be 3000 light-years away, looks identical to a red rose in full bloom. Perhaps a more appropriate name should have been the 'Red Rose Nebula'.
[55:38] so which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:39] On that Day, no human being or jinn will be asked about his sins.
[55:40] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:41] The criminals will be recognised by their features, then to be seized by the forelocks and the feet.
[55:42] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:43] This is Hell that the criminals deny.
[55:44] They will go back and forth between it and a boiling, scalding liquid.
[55:45] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:46] And for those who feared the position of their Lord are two Gardens.
[55:47] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:48] Both contain shading branches.
[55:49] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:50] In them are two flowing springs.
[55:51] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:52] In them are two kinds of every fruit.
[55:53] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:54] They will be reclining on beddings whose linings are of brocade and with the reaping of the two Gardens within reach.
[55:55] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:56] In them are maidens with subdued glances, untouched before them by any human being or jinn.
[55:57] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:58] As though they were rubies and coral.
[55:59] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:60] Is the reward of goodness anything other than goodness?
[55:61] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:62] Besides these are two other Gardens.
[55:63] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:64] They are dark green in colour.
[55:65] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:66] In them are two gushing springs.
[55:67] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:68] In them are fruits and palm trees and pomegranates.
[55:69] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:70] In them are fine beautiful ones.
[55:71] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:72] Beautiful maidens, secluded in pavilions.
[55:73] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:74] Untouched before them by any human being or jinn.
[55:75] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:76] They will be reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.
[55:77] So which of your Lord's favours do you deny?
[55:78] Blessed be the name of your Lord, the Possessor of Majesty and Generosity.
Sura 56 The Event (Al-Waqe'ah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[56:1] When the Event occurs;
[56:2] regarding its occurrence, there can be no denial.
[56:3] It will lower, and it will raise.
Footnote 56:3 – When the 'Event' (Day of Resurrection) occurs, some people will be lowered to a humiliating position, while others will be raised to an honourable position.
[56:4] When the earth is shaken violently,
[56:5] and the mountains crushed and crumbled,
[56:6] turning into scattered dust,
[56:7] and you are sorted into three groups:
[56:8] there will be the companions of the Right. What are the companions of the Right?
[56:9] And there will be the companions of the Left. What are the companions of the Left?
[56:10] And the forerunners, the forerunners;
[56:11] those are the ones brought near
[56:12] in the Gardens of Bliss.
[56:13] A multitude of the earlier people,
[56:14] and a small number from the later ones.
[56:15] On luxurious couches,
[56:16] they will be reclining and facing one another.
[56:17] Passing by them will be immortal boys
[56:18] with goblets, decanters, and a cup from a flowing spring.
[56:19] They will not suffer headaches from it nor get intoxicated.
[56:20] And fruits of their choice,
[56:21] and meat of birds that they desire,
[56:22] and maidens with beautiful eyes,
[56:23] the like of well-protected pearls;
[56:24] a reward for what they used to do.
[56:25] They never hear any idle talk therein nor sinful utterances,
[56:26] but only the utterance of: "Peace, peace."
[56:27]And the companions of the Right. What are the companions of the Right?
[56:28] They shall be amid thornless lote-trees,
[56:29] and clustered banana trees,
[56:30] and extended shade,
[56:31] and poured water,
[56:32] and plenty of fruits,
[56:33] never cut-off nor forbidden,
[56:34] and raised furnishings.
[56:35] We have produced them in a distinctive fashion,
[56:36] and made them virgins,
[56:37] devoted and of same-age,
[56:38] for the companions of the Right;
[56:39] a multitude of the earlier people,
[56:40] and a multitude of the later ones.
[56:41] And the companions of the Left. What are the companions of the Left?
[56:42] In scorching winds and boiling water,
[56:43] and the shade of black smoke,
[56:44] neither cool nor pleasant.
[56:45] Before this, they were living in luxury,
[56:46] and they used to persist in the great violation.
[56:47] They used to say, "When we die and become dust and bones, will we be resurrected?
[56:48] And our earlier forefathers?"
[56:49] Say, "The earlier ones and the later ones
[56:50] will be gathered to the appointment of a known Day."
[56:51] Then you, O misguided deniers,
[56:52] will be eating from the trees of Zaqqum,
[56:53] and filling your bellies therefrom,
[56:54] then, on top of it, you will drink boiling water.
[56:55] You will drink like thirsty camels.
[56:56] Such is their hospitality on the Day of the Religion.
[56:57] We created you; if only you would believe!
[56:58] Have you seen that which you ejaculate?
[56:59] Is it you who create it, or are We the Creators?
[56:60] We have decreed death amongst you. And We can never be outstripped
[56:61] in replacing you with others like you, and producing you in that which you do not know.
[56:62] You have known about the first creation. If only you would take heed!
[56:63] Have you seen what you sow?
[56:64] Is it you who cultivate it, or are We the Cultivators?
[56:65] If We wished, We could have reduced it to debris. Then you would be left lamenting:
[56:66] "We are burdened with debt!
[56:67] Rather, we have been deprived!"
[56:68] Have you seen the water that you drink?
[56:69] Was it you who brought it down from the clouds, or was it Us who brought it down?
[56:70] If We wished, We could have made it bitter. If only you would be thankful!
[56:71] Have you seen the fire that you ignite?
[56:72] Was it you who produced its tree, or are We the Producers?
[56:73] We made it a reminder and a convenience for the travellers.
[56:74] So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
[56:75] I swear by the positions of the stars.
[56:76] It is an awesome oath if you only knew.
Footnote 56:75-76 - The true significance of the phrase 'positions of the stars' can be appreciated when we consider the following:
1- The estimated number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy is in excess of 200 billion stars.
2- The estimated number of galaxies in the 'observable' universe is at least 2,000 billion.
Thus the estimated number of stars in the observable universe is 200,000 billion billion (2 followed by 23 zeros). This is a number that is larger than all the grains of sand on earth!
To consider the position of every one of these stars is an unimaginable task. What if we incorporate the fact that these stars are not standing still but are all in constant motion, and that their positions change by the second?
To put this matter in numbers, the currently accepted age of the universe is 13.8 billion years. In seconds, this equates to the number 435, followed by 15 zeros.
If we were to chart the positions of all the stars in the universe since its creation, at intervals of one second, we would need to multiply the number of stars by the number of seconds that passed since the creation of the universe.
The resulting number is 87, followed by 38 zeros.
If we take the sun as a typical star, it moves around the galaxy at a speed of 125 miles per second. The velocity of stars rises to a few hundred miles per second for what is known as hypervelocity stars. What this means is that if we took the distance of one mile as our yardstick, there would be an additional few hundred positions inside every second!
The words in this glorious verse tell us that God's knowledge encompasses the exact position of each and every star in the universe at every single moment in time.
[56:77] Indeed, it is a Noble Quran
[56:78] in a well-protected Book.
[56:79] None can grasp it except the purified.
Footnote 56:79 – The keyword in this verse is the Arabic word 'yamas'. This word is different from the word 'yalmas'. The word 'yalmas' (with an L) means to physically touch, while the word 'yamas', which is used in 56:79, means to 'affect', 'come to', or 'attain'.
An example of the use of the word 'yalmas' is found in 6:7 where the meaning is to physically touch. As for 'yamas' (come to/affect), examples can be seen in 3:120 'If something good comes your way' and in 7:201 'when a visitation from the devil comes to the reverent'.
The words in 56:79 tell us that no person can attain the true meaning and message of the Quran unless this person has spiritually purified himself/herself by submitting to God alone. The pure worshippers of God, 'ebad Allah al-mukhlaseen'(12:24, 38:83), who dedicate all their religion to God alone (39:11, 6:162), and whom God alone suffices for them (39:36, 39:45), will be blessed with the understanding and the guidance of the Quran, while the insincere and the hypocrites will be blinded from understanding it (17:46, 18:57).
[56:80] A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
[56:81] Are you dismissing this Hadith,
[56:82] and you make it your livelihood to deny it?
[56:83] Is it not that when it reaches the throat,
[56:84] with you at that moment looking on,
[56:85] that We are closer to it than you are, but you cannot see?
[56:86] Why then, if you are not guilty,
[56:87] do you wish to send it back if you are truthful?
[56:88] And if he is one of those brought near,
[56:89] then there shall be comfort, fragrant herbs and a Garden of Bliss.
[56:90] And if he is of the companions of the Right,
[56:91] then, "Peace to you," from the companions of the Right.
[56:92] And if he is of the denying strayers,
[56:93] then a hospitality of boiling water,
[56:94] and a roasting in Hellfire.
[56:95] This is the true certainty,
[56:96] so glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
Sura 57 The Iron (Al-Hadeed)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[57:1] Glorifying God is what is in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Dignified, the Wise.
[57:2] To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He brings to life and puts to death, and He is Capable of all things.
[57:3] He is the First and the Last, the External and the Internal, and He is Knowledgeable of all things.
[57:4] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled on the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes out of it, and what comes down from the sky and what ascends unto it. He is with you wherever you may be. God is Seer of what you do.
[57:5] To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to God, all matters are returned.
[57:6] He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night, and He is Knowledgeable of what the chests hold.
[57:7] Believe in God and His messenger and give from that which He has made you successors in. Those among you who believe and give shall have a great reward.
[57:8] What is the matter with you that you do not believe in God when the messenger is inviting you to believe in your Lord, and when He has taken a covenant from you if you are believers?
[57:9] He is the One who brings down to His servant clear revelations to take you out of the darkness and into the light. And indeed, God is Compassionate and Merciful towards you.
[57:10] And what is the matter with you that you do not give in the cause of God when to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Those among you who gave and fought before the conquest are not the same as those who gave and fought afterwards; they are greater in rank. Nevertheless, God has promised good things to each of them. God is All-Aware of what you do.
[57:11] Who is the one who will loan God a good loan, only for Him to multiply it for him manifold? And he will have a generous reward.
[57:12] On the Day you see the believing men and the believing women with their lights streaming out ahead of them and to their right: "Good news is yours today of Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein, you shall permanently remain. That is the great triumph."
[57:13] On the Day the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women say to those who believed, "Wait for us so that we can acquire some of your light," it will be said, "Go back behind you and seek a light." A fence is then placed between them that has a gate; on its inner lies mercy, and on its outer lies the punishment.
[57:14] They will call out to them, "Were we not with you?" They will say, "Yes, but you wronged yourselves, hesitated, doubted, and wishful thinking deluded you until God's command was issued. And the Deceiver deluded you concerning God."
[57:15] Therefore, today no ransom shall be accepted from you, nor from those who disbelieved. Your refuge is the Fire; it is your master. What a miserable destination!
[57:16] Is it not time for those who believe to have their hearts humbled for the remembrance of God and what came down of the truth, rather than be like those who were given the Scripture before, then when a long time passed by them, their hearts became hard? Many of them were wicked.
[57:17] Know that God brings the land to life after it has died. We have clarified the revelations for you so that you may understand.
[57:18] The men and women who are charitable and who have loaned God a good loan will have it multiplied for them, and they shall have a generous reward.
[57:19] Those who believed in God and His messengers, they are the truthful ones and are the witnesses at their Lord. They shall have their reward and their light. As for those who disbelieved and denied Our revelations, they are the companions of Hellfire.
[57:20] Know that the worldly life is but play, amusement, zinat, boasting among yourselves, and the desire for increases in wealth and children. The example of which is abundant rain that produces plants, which delights the disbelievers. Then it withers, and you see it turning yellow, then it becomes debris. In the Hereafter, there is severe punishment as well as forgiveness from God and consent. The worldly life is no more than the enjoyment of an illusion.
[57:21] Race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width is as the width of the heaven and the earth. It is prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers. Such is God's favour; He bestows it upon whom He wills. God is the Possessor of Great Favour.
[57:22] No disaster falls in the land or to yourselves that is not already in a Record before We bring it into existence. Indeed, that is easy for God.
[57:23] Thus, you should not grieve over what has passed you by nor gloat over what He has given you.God does not like the arrogant, boastful ones
[57:24] who are stingy and advocate stinginess to the people. Whoever turns away, then indeed, God is the Rich One, the Praiseworthy.
[57:25] We have sent Our messengers with the clear proofs, and We brought the Scriptures down with them and the balance so that the people may uphold justice. And We brought down the iron wherein there is great strength and benefits for the people. And indeed, God knows those who support Him and His messengers purely on faith. Indeed, God is Powerful, Dignified.
[57:26] We sent Noah and Abraham, and We placed among their descendants the prophethood and the Scripture. Some of them were guided, while many were wicked.
[57:27] Then We sent Our messengers to follow in their footsteps, then to follow We sent Jesus, the son of Mary. We gave him the Injeel, and We placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. Monasticism was something they invented; We never decreed it upon them. They were only required to seek God's consent. They did not observe it in the manner it ought to be observed. So We granted those who believed among them their reward, but many of them were wicked.
[57:28] O you who believe, reverence God, and believe in His messenger. He will then grant you a double portion of His mercy and grant you a light with which you may walk, and He will forgive you. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[57:29] This is so that the People of the Book may know that they have no control over any of God's favour and that all favour lies in the hand of God. He bestows it upon whom He wills, and God is the Possessor of Great Favour.
Sura 58 The Arguing Woman (Al-Mujadilah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[58:1] God has heard the words of the woman who has been arguing with you about her husband and complaining to God. God hears your discussions. Indeed, God is Hearer, Seer.
[58:2] Those among you who estrange their wives by equating them with their mothers; they are not their mothers. Their mothers are none other than the ones who gave birth to them. Indeed, they are uttering an evil utterance and a falsehood. And indeed, God is Pardoner, Forgiver.
[58:3] Those who estrange their wives by equating them with their mothers, then go back and repeat that which they had said, they shall free a slave before the two of them may touch one another. That is what you are advised with, and God is All-Aware of what you do.
[58:4] The one who does not find the means is to fast two consecutive months before the two of them may touch one another. And the one who is not able to do so is to feed sixty needy people. That is so that you would believe in God and His messenger. Those are God's limits, and the disbelievers shall have a painful punishment.
[58:5] Those who oppose God and His messenger will be suppressed just like those before them were suppressed. We have indeed brought down clear signs. The disbelievers shall have a humiliating punishment
[58:6] on the Day when God resurrects them all then informs them of what they had done. God has kept count of it while they have forgotten it; God is Witness over all things.
[58:7] Do you not see that God knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth? No three people can confer secretly without Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being their sixth, nor less than that or more without Him being with them wherever they may be. Then He will inform them on the Day of Resurrection of what they had done. Indeed, God is Knowledgeable of all things.
[58:8] Have you not seen those who were told to desist from conferring secretly, then they returned to what they had been told to desist from doing? They confer to commit sin, transgression and disobedience to the messenger. When they come to you, they greet you with a greeting that God never greeted you with. They say within themselves, "Why then does God not punish us for what we say?" Hell is indeed sufficient for them wherein they will roast. What a miserable destination!
[58:9] O you who believe, if you confer secretly, do not confer to commit sin, transgression and disobedience to the messenger. Rather, confer in piety and reverence. And reverence God; the One to whom you will be gathered.
[58:10] Conferring secretly is instigated by the devil so that he may cause grief to those who believe. However, he cannot harm them in any way without God's permission. In God, the believers should trust.
[58:11] O you who believe, when you are told to make room in the assemblies, do make room. God will then make room for you. And if you are told to get up and go, then get up and go. God raises in rank those among you who believe and those who are given the knowledge. God is All-Aware of what you do.
[58:12] O you who believe, if you consult the messenger in private, offer a charity before your private consultation. This is better for you and purer, but if you cannot find the means, then indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
Footnote 58:12 – The words in 33:53 provide the reason for the rule that God set in 58:12. This rule was intended to discourage believers who wished to confer with the messenger on every trivial matter, thereby burdening him unnecessarily, but he was too shy to tell them so. The setting of this rule was thus to restrict engaging the messenger in consultation to important and urgent matters only.
[58:13] Are you reluctant to offer a charity before your private conferring? If you have not done so and God has redeemed you, then observe the Salat, give the Zakat, and obey God and His messenger. God is All-Aware of what you do.
[58:14] Have you not seen those who allied themselves with a people whom God is angry with? They are neither of you nor of them. They swear to what they know are lies.
[58:15] God has prepared a severe punishment for them. Miserable indeed is what they used to do.
[58:16] They used their pledges as a cover, and they repelled from the path of God. And so they shall have a humiliating punishment.
[58:17] Neither their wealth nor their children will avail them in any way against God. They are the companions of the Fire. Therein, they shall permanently remain.
[58:18] On the Day that God resurrects them all, they will swear to Him just as they swear to you, thinking that they have something to stand on. Without a doubt, it is they who are the liars.
[58:19] The devil has secured a firm grip on them, so he made them forget the remembrance of God. Those are the party of the devil. Without a doubt, it is the devil's party who are the losers.
[58:20] Indeed, those who oppose God and His messenger, they will be among the most humiliated.
[58:21] God has written, "I will certainly prevail, I and My messengers." Indeed, God is Powerful, Dignified.
[58:22] You will not find a people who believe in God and the Last Day showing affection to those who oppose God and His messenger, even if they were their parents, their children, their siblings or their relatives. For those, He inscribed faith in their hearts and supported them with a Ruh from Him, and will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein, they shall permanently remain. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. Those are the party of God. Without a doubt, it is God's party who are the successful ones.
Sura 59 The Gathering (Al-Hashr)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[59:1] Glorifying God is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. He is the Dignified, the Wise.
[59:2] He is the One who drove out those who disbelieved among the People of the Book from their homes at the first gathering. You did not think that they would come out, and they thought their fortresses would protect them from God, but then God came upon them from where they did not expect and cast terror into their hearts. They ruined their homes with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So take heed, O you who possess vision.
[59:3] Had God not decreed banishment for them, He would have punished them in this world, and in the Hereafter, they shall have the punishment of the Fire.
[59:4] That is because they opposed God and His messenger. Whoever opposes God, then indeed, God is severe in punishment.
[59:5] You have not cut down any palm tree or left it standing upon its roots except with God's permission. He will surely disgrace the wicked.
[59:6] What God bestowed on His messenger from them was not the result of any horses or camels that you mobilised for it, but God grants power to His messengers over whom He wills. God is Capable of all things.
[59:7] What God bestowed on His messenger from the people of the villages belongs to God and the messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the homeless. This is so that it would not circulate merely around the rich among you. Whatever the messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he withholds from you, do without it. And reverence God. Indeed, God is severe in punishment.
[59:8] It is for the poor immigrants who were driven out of their homes and their possessions as they sought God's favour and consent and supported God and His messenger. Those are the truthful ones.
[59:9] Those who were already settled in the homes, and had faith before they came, love those who immigrated to them and do not find any need in their hearts for what they had been given. They give them priority over themselves even if they themselves are in need.Those who guard against their own stinginess; they are the successful ones.
[59:10] And those who came after them, say, "Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us to the faith, and do not place any animosity in our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord, You are Compassionate, Merciful."
[59:11] Have you not seen those who acted hypocritically say to their brothers who have disbelieved among the People of the Book, "If you are driven out, we will leave with you, and we will not obey anyone against you. And if anyone fights you, we will support you." God bears witness that they are liars.
[59:12] If they are driven out, they will not leave with them. If someone fights them, they will not support them. And if they did support them, they would surely turn around and flee, and then they will not be helped.
[59:13] They have more terror in their hearts of you than they have of God! This is because they are a people who do not understand.
[59:14] They will not fight you when there are all of you unless they are in fortified villages or from behind walls. Their might is formidable against one another. You would think that they are all united, but in fact, their hearts are dispersed. This is because they are a people who do not reason.
[59:15] Like the example of those shortly before them: they tasted the ill effects of their affair, and they shall have a painful punishment.
[59:16] Like the example of the devil, when he said to the human being, "Disbelieve," then when he disbelieved, he said, "I am innocent of you. I fear God, the Lord of the Worlds."
[59:17] And so the outcome of both of them is that they will be in the Fire wherein they shall permanently remain. That is the penalty for the transgressors.
[59:18] O you who believe, reverence God. Every self should look at what it has put forth for tomorrow and reverence God. Indeed, God is All-Aware of what you do.
[59:19] Do not be like those who forgot God, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the wicked ones.
[59:20] The companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise are not the same; the companions of Paradise are the triumphant.
[59:21] Had We brought this Quran down upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and crumbling out of fear of God. We cite these examples for the people so that they may reflect.
[59:22] He is God; the One besides whom there is no other god. He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Almighty, the Merciful.
[59:23] He is God; the One besides whom there is no other god. The King, the Holy, the Peace, the Believer, the All-Encompassing, the Dignified, the Powerful, the Proud. Glory to God, far above what they associate with Him.
Footnote 59:23 – Among God's names in 59:23 is the name 'Mu'min'. The literal translation of this word is 'The Believer'. At first glance, this word does not seem befitting for God when in His glory, He is not subject to the question of having to believe. As a result, the word 'Believer' was replaced by other translators with words like: The Trustworthy, the Faithful, the Secure, and so on.
However, the word 'Believer' is indeed a sublime attribute of God:
The definition of belief (Iman) in its Quranic use is to have certainty in the existence of God, the angels, the Last Day and so on.
It can be shown that even the most sincere believers still have a minute element of doubt in their hearts due to the fact that it is not possible to see God.
We have the example of Abraham when he asked God to show him a sign, so God asked Abraham: "Have you not believed?"Abraham replied, "Yes, but so that my heart is reassured." (2:260). We also have the example of Moses when he asked to see God for the same reason (7:143).
Abraham and Moses were sincere prophets of God, yet they had an element of doubt simply because they, like all human beings, could not see God. The element of doubt means that no human being can be called a perfect believer in an absolute sense.
In contrast, God does not have any doubt about anything since God is Lord and Creator of all things and because God knows the unseen (27:65). For God, all matters are an absolute certainty. Without absolute certainty, there can be no absolute belief. As a result, God is the Only One who can be called the perfect and absolute 'Believer'.
[59:24] He is God: the Creator, the Maker, the Designer. To Him belong the Beautiful Names. Glorifying Him is what is in the heavens and the earth. He is the Dignified, the Wise.
Sura 60 The Woman Being Tested (Al-Mumtahinah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[60:1] O you who believe, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies extending love to them, when they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth, and when they have driven out the messenger and you just because you believe in God, your Lord. If you have come out to strive in My cause and to seek My consent, why do you show them love secretly? I know best what you conceal and what you declare. Those among you who do this have indeed strayed from the right path.
[60:2] If they encounter you, they are your enemies. They extend their hands and tongues against you with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.
[60:3] Neither your relatives nor your children will benefit you. On the Day of Resurrection, He will distinguish between you. God is Seer of what you do.
[60:4] A good example has been set for you in Abraham and those with him when they said to their people, "We are innocent of you and what you worship besides God, and we reject you. Animosity and hatred have set in between us and you, and will remain forever until you believe in God alone." An exception to that was when Abraham said to his father, "I will ask forgiveness for you, but I possess no power to help you in any way against God." "Our Lord, in You we trust. To You we turn, and to You is the ultimate destination.
Footnote 60:4 - The words of Abraham to his idolatrous father, 'I will ask forgiveness for you,' were an exception to what God called a 'good example'. God's rule deems that no believer shall seek forgiveness for an idol worshipper or disbeliever, see 9:113-114.
[60:5] Our Lord, do not make of us a means for testing those who disbelieved, and forgive us. Our Lord, You are the Dignified, the Wise."
Footnote 60:5 - See footnote 10:85 and 25:20.
[60:6] You have in them a fine example for whoever seeks God and the Last Day. As for those who turn away, indeed, God is the Rich One, the Praiseworthy.
[60:7] It may be that God will place love between you and those of them who were your enemies. God is Capable, and God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[60:8] With regards to those who have not fought you because of religion, nor driven you out of your homes, God does not forbid you from treating them kindly and being equitable towards them. God loves the equitable.
[60:9] God only forbids you from taking as allies those who fought you because of religion and drove you out of your homes, and aided in your expulsion. Those who ally themselves with them; they are indeed the transgressors.
[60:10] O you who believe, when believing women come to you as immigrants, test them. God knows best about their belief. Then if you know them to be believers, do not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for them, nor are the disbelievers lawful for them. Return to the disbelievers what they had spent. There is no blame upon you if you marry them, provided you pay them their dowries. Do not keep disbelieving wives. You may ask back what you spent, and they may ask back what they spent. That is God's judgment; He judges between you. God is Knowledgeable, Wise.
[60:11] If any of your wives leave you and join the disbelievers whom you have defeated, give those whose wives have left them the equivalent of what they had spent, and reverence God in whom you believe.
[60:12] O you prophet, if the believing women come to you pledging allegiance to you that they will not associate anything with God, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor come up with a slanderous claim which they fabricated from between their hands and their legs,nor disobey you in any righteous matter, then accept their pledge of allegiance and ask forgiveness for them from God. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
Footnote 60:12 – The words 'a slanderous claim which they fabricated from between their hands and their legs' relate to false ascriptions of paternity. When a woman gives birth, the newly born comes from between her legs, and then is held in her arms.
[60:13] O you who believe, do not ally yourselves with people with whom God is angry. They have given up on the Hereafter just like the disbelievers have given up on the occupants of the graves.
Sura 61 The Row (Al-Suff)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[61:1] Glorifying God is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He is the Dignified, the Wise.
[61:2] O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do?
[61:3] It is a great abhorrence in the sight of God that you say what you do not do.
[61:4] God loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they were a single solid structure.
[61:5] And when Moses said to his people, "O my people, why do you harm me when you know that I am the messenger of God to you?" Then when they deviated, God made their hearts deviate. God does not guide the wicked people.
[61:6] And when Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, I am the messenger of God to you, confirming what came before me of the Torah, and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name is Ahmad." Yet when he brought them the clear proofs, they said, "This is clear magic."
[61:7] Who is more transgressing than one who fabricates lies about God while he is being invited to Submission? God does not guide the transgressing people.
[61:8] They wish to extinguish God's Light with their mouths, but God perfects His Light however much the disbelievers hate it.
[61:9] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to make it manifest over all other religions, however much the mushrikeen hate it.
Footnote 61:9 – See footnote 9:33.
[61:10] O you who believe, shall I inform you of a trade that will save you from a painful punishment?
[61:11] It is to believe in God and His messenger and strive in the cause of God with your money and your lives. That is better for you if you only knew.
[61:12] He will then forgive your sins for you and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow and fine dwellings in the Gardens of Eden. That is the great triumph.
[61:13] You also get other things that you love: support from God and an imminent conquest, so give the good news to the believers.
[61:14] O you who believe, be supporters of God, as Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples, "Who are my supporters for God?" The disciples said, "We are God's supporters." Then a group among the Children of Israel believed, and a group disbelieved. We supported those who believed against their enemy, and so they prevailed.
Sura 62 The Day Of Friday (Al-Jumm'ah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[62:1] Glorifying God is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth: the King, the Holy, the Dignified, the Wise.
[62:2] He is the One who has sent to the ummiyeen a messenger from among them who recites to them His revelations, purifies them and teaches them the Book and wisdom, whereas they were previously in clear misguidance,
Footnote 62:2 - For 'ummiyeen', see the glossary of un-translated words.
[62:3] and others among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Dignified, the Wise.
[62:4] Such is God's favour; He bestows it upon whom He wills, and God is the Possessor of Great Favour.
[62:5] The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah but then did not uphold it is that of a donkey carrying weighty tomes. Miserable indeed is the example of the people who denied God's revelations. God does not guide the transgressing people.
[62:6] Say, "O you who are Jewish, if you claim that you are allies of God, to the exclusion of all other people, then long for death if you are truthful."
[62:7] They will never long for it because of what their hands have put forth. God is Knowledgeable of the transgressors.
[62:8] Say, "The death from which you are fleeing will surely catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will inform you of what you used to do."
[62:9] O you who believe, when the call for the Salat is announced on the day of Friday, hasten to the remembrance of God and leave all selling. That is better for you if you only knew.
[62:10] Then, when the Salat is concluded, spread out through the land and seek God's favour, and remember God frequently so that you may succeed.
[62:11] If they glimpse some business opportunity or some amusement, they break away towards it and leave you standing! Say, "What is with God is better than any amusement and any business. God is the best of providers."
Sura 63 The Hypocrites (Al-Munafiqoon)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[63:1] When the hypocrites come to you, they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of God." God knows that you are His messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars.
[63:2] They used their pledges as a cover, and so they repelled from the path of God. Miserable indeed is what they used to do.
[63:3] That is because they believed, then disbelieved. So their hearts have been sealed, and thus they do not understand.
[63:4] When you see them, you may like their physical appearance, and if they speak, you listen to what they say. But they are like propped-up planks of wood. They think that every shout is directed against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. God fights them. How are they deluded?
[63:5] And when they are told, "Come let the messenger of God ask forgiveness for you," they turn their heads, and you see them turning away in arrogance.
[63:6] It is all the same for them; whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them, God will not forgive them. God does not guide the wicked people.
[63:7] They are the ones who say, "Do not give anything to those who are with the messenger of God until they break away." To God belong the treasuries of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand.
[63:8] They say, "If we should return to the city, the more dignified therein will drive out the lowly." Dignity belongs to God, His messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites do not know.
[63:9] O you who believe, do not let your wealth or your children distract you from the remembrance of God. Whoever does that, they are indeed the losers.
[63:10] And give from what We have provided for you before death comes to one of you, then he says, "My Lord, if only You could delay me for a short while! I would then be charitable and be one of the righteous."
[63:11] God will not delay any self when its appointed time has come. God is All-Aware of what you do.
Sura 64 The Loss And Gain (Al-Taghaabun)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[64:1] Glorifying God is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. To Him belongs the sovereignty and to Him belongs the praise, and He is Capable of all things.
[64:2] He is the One who created you, then among you, there is the disbeliever, and among you is the believer. God is Seer of what you do.
[64:3] He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He designed you, and He designed you well, and to Him is the ultimate destination.
[64:4] He knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare, and God is Knowledgeable of what the chests hold.
[64:5] Has the news not reached you of those who disbelieved previously and so they tasted the ill effects of their conduct? They shall have a painful punishment.
[64:6] That is because their messengers used to come to them with clear proofs, but they said, "Is it human beings who will guide us?" And so they disbelieved and turned away. God is beyond need. God is Rich, Praiseworthy.
[64:7] Those who disbelieved claimed that they would not be resurrected! Say, "Yes indeed! By my Lord, you will be resurrected. Then you will be informed of what you have done. And that is easy for God."
[64:8] So believe in God and His messenger and the Light We have brought down. God is All-Aware of what you do.
[64:9] On the Day He gathers you for the Day of Gathering; that will be the Day of loss and gain. For whoever believes in God and does good deeds, He will wipe out his bad deeds and admit him into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath. Therein, they shall forever remain. That is the great triumph.
[64:10] As for those who disbelieved and rejected Our revelations, those are the companions of the Fire. Therein, they shall permanently remain. What a miserable destination!
[64:11] No disaster strikes except by God's permission, and whoever believes in God, He guides his heart. God is Knowledgeable of all things.
[64:12]Obey God and obey the messenger. If you turn away, then the sole duty of the messenger is the clear delivery.
[64:13] God: there is no god except Him. In God, the believers should trust.
[64:14] O you who believe, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so be wary of them. If you pardon, overlook and forgive, then indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[64:15] Your wealth and your children are but a test, and with God lies a great reward.
[64:16] So reverence God as best as you can, and listen, and obey, and give. It is for your own good. Those who guard against their own stinginess; they are indeed the successful ones.
[64:17] If you lend God a good loan, He will multiply it manifold for you and forgive you. God is Appreciative, Forbearing.
[64:18] The Knower of the unseen and the seen. The Dignified, the Wise.
Sura 65 The Divorce (Al-Talaaq)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[65:1] O you prophet, if any of you divorce the women, divorce them ensuring that their interim is fulfilled, and count the interim carefully, and reverence God your Lord. Do not evict them from their homes, nor should they leave unless they commit a clear immorality. Those are God's limits. Whoever oversteps God's limits has wronged himself. You never know; perhaps God will cause something to happen after that.
[65:2] Then, when they have fulfilled their interim, you may either keep them equitably or part from them equitably. And have this witnessed by two just people from among you, and establish the testimony for God. With this are those who believe in God and the Last Day advised. And whoever reverences God, He will make for him an outlet
[65:3] and will provide for him from where he does not expect. Whoever trusts in God, He suffices him. Most certainly, God accomplishes His purpose. God has set for everything its measure.
[65:4] With regards to your women who have given up on menstruation, should you be in doubt, then their interim shall be three months, and that also applies to those who have not menstruated. As for those who are pregnant, their term ends upon giving birth. For the one who reverences God, He makes his affairs easy for him.
Footnote 65:4 – The words 'those who have not menstruated' do not speak about girls who have not reached puberty as some have claimed. These words speak about fertile women of reproductive age who do not menstruate due to an illness called Amenorrhea.
Unlike normal fertile divorced women whose interim is three menstruations, the interim for women who do not menstruate, but can still get pregnant, is three months.
In the case of young girls who have not reached puberty, it is not possible for them to become pregnant. That is because the female ovaries do not release eggs before puberty.
And since the objective of the interim is to determine the presence of pregnancy, it follows that young girls who have not attained puberty, and thus the possibility of them being pregnant does not exist, they would not need an interim.
[65:5] That is God's command that He has brought down to you. For the one who reverences God, He wipes out his bad deeds and greatly increases the reward for him.
[65:6] Allow them to live where you live according to your means, and do not harass them so as to pressure them into leaving. If they are pregnant, maintain them financially until they give birth. If they suckle the infant for you, pay them their wages for doing so and confer among yourselves equitably. If that should prove difficult, then another woman may do the suckling.
[65:7] The one of abundant means shall provide from his resources, and the one whose provisions are restricted shall provide from what God has given him. God does not assign to any self beyond what He has given it. God will follow difficulty with ease.
[65:8] How many a village was defiant against the commands of its Lord and His messengers, and so We called it to a severe account and punished it with a terrible punishment.
[65:9] And so it tasted the ill effects of its conduct, and the outcome of its affair was a loss.
[65:10] God has prepared a severe punishment for them. So reverence God, O you who possess intelligence and have believed. God has brought down to you a Reminder:
[65:11] a messenger reciting to you God's clarifying revelations in order to take those who believe and do good deeds out of the darkness and into the light. Anyone who believes in God and does good deeds, He will admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein, they shall forever remain. God has prepared for him a splendid provision.
[65:12] God is the One who created seven universes and of the earth their like. The command descends among them so that you would know that God is Capable of all things and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge.
Sura 66 The Prohibition (Al-Tahreem)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[66:1] O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.
[66:2] God has already decreed it lawful for you the absolution from your pledges. God is your Master. He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.
[66:3] When the prophet confided some words to one of his wives, then when she informed others of it, and God disclosed that to him, he made some of it known and withheld part of it. When he informed her of it, she said, "Who informed you of this?" He said, "The Knowledgeable, the All-Aware informed me."
[66:4] If the two of you repent to God, then your hearts have listened. But if you support one another against him, then indeed, God is his Master, and after that, Gabriel and the righteous believers and the angels will be his supporters.
[66:5] Perhaps if he divorces you, his Lord will replace better wives for him in your place who are Submitters, believers, obedient, repentant, worshippers, ones who fast, previously married or virgins.
[66:6] O you who believe, safeguard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones. Over it are stern and powerful angels who do not disobey God in what He commands them, and they do what they are commanded to do.
[66:7] O you who disbelieved, make no excuses today. You are only repaid for what you used to do.
[66:8] O you who believe, repent to God a sincere repentance. It may be that your Lord will wipe out your bad deeds and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. That will be on the Day when God will not disgrace the prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will stream out ahead of them and to their right. They will say, "Our Lord, perfect our light for us, and forgive us. You are Capable of all things."
[66:9] O you prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be stern with them. Their refuge is Hell. What a miserable destination!
[66:10] God cites an example of those who disbelieved: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were committed to two of Our righteous servants, but they betrayed them. They could not avail them in any way against God, and it was said, "Enter the Fire with those who are entering."
[66:11] And God cites an example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh. She said, "My Lord, build for me a house there with You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and rescue me from the transgressing people."
[66:12] Also Mary, the daughter of Imran who guarded her private part, and so We blew in it from Our Ruh. She believed in the Words of her Lord and His Scriptures and was of the obedient ones.
Sura 67 The Sovereignty (Al-Mulk)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[67:1]Blessed is the One in whose hand is the sovereignty. He is Capable of all things.
[67:2]The One who created death and life so that He may test you as to whose work is better. He is the Dignified, the Forgiver.
[67:3] The One who created seven universes in layers. You do not see any inconsistency in the creation of the Almighty. Return your sight to it: do you see any flaw?
Footnote 67:3 - Yet another of many verses that contain scientific information that was to be discovered many centuries after the revelation of the Quran in the 7th century. The words in 67:3 speak about seven universes. This is in harmony with the current cosmological theory of 'Multiple Universes', which suggests that our universe is one of a number of other universes in existence. We are invited to look up at the sky and observe the universe God created to find that there is not 'any inconsistency'in His creation. The consistency of the universe spoken of in this verse is an accurate description of what is known today as the 'Cosmological Principle'. This principle, first suggested by Isaac Newton, and then confirmed many years later by means of the detailed mapping of the universe by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), states that when viewed on a large scale, the density of galaxies is consistent wherever we look in the sky; the galaxy distribution throughout the universe does not change in any direction.
[67:4] Then return your sight twice over. Your sight will return to you humbled and exhausted.
[67:5] We adorned the lowest universe with lamps and placed in it projectiles against the devils, and We prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.
[67:6] And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is the punishment of Hell. What a miserable destination!
[67:7] When they are thrown into it, they hear from it an inhaling as it seethes.
[67:8] It almost bursts with rage. Whenever a group was thrown into it, its custodians asked them, "Did not a warner come to you?"
[67:9] They said, "Yes, a warner did come to us, but we denied and said, 'God did not bring down anything. You are in nothing other than great misguidance.' "
[67:10] And they said, "If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze!"
[67:11] Thus, they confessed their sins, so away with the companions of the Blaze.
[67:12] Those who fear their Lord though unseen shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
[67:13] Whether you keep your utterances secret or openly declare them, He is Knowledgeable of what the chests hold.
[67:14] Would He not know about whom He created when He is the Gentle One, the All-Aware?
[67:15] He is the One who rendered the earth subservient to you, so walk along its paths and eat from His provisions, then to Him is the resurrection.
[67:16] Do you feel assured that the One who is in heaven will not cause the earth to swallow you up as it starts to sway?
[67:17] Or do you feel assured that the One who is in heaven will not send upon you a shower of stones? You will know then the meaning of My warning.
[67:18] And those before them have denied, so how terrible was My disapproval!
[67:19] Have they not seen the birds above them, spreading out in their flight formations, then cramming close together? None binds them together except the Almighty. He is Seer of all things.
Footnote 67:19 - An awesome demonstration of God's Words in this verse can be witnessed in the aerial displays of starlings in what is known as 'murmuration'. They can be seen spreading out in huge flight displays, believed to consist of thousands of birds. They fly to and fro in incredible precisely coordinated displays, and then they cram close together in dense aerial formations. No matter how many of them or how close they are bound together, they never crash. As they fly in their huge flocks, the starlings are indeed 'controlled in their mid-air flight across the sky' (16:79). They twist and turn and change direction in unison and at a fraction of a second. Indeed, none but God binds them together, and they, in turn, are in constant glorification of their Lord (24:41).
[67:20] Who is that who could be a force for you to support you other than the Almighty? The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.
[67:21] Who is that who could provide for you if He withheld His provision? Yet they persist in insolence and aversion.
[67:22] Is one who walks with his face slumped over better guided, or one who walks upright on a straight path?
[67:23] Say, "He is the One who initiated you and devised for you the hearing, the sight and the hearts; little do you give thanks!"
[67:24] Say, "He is the One who multiplied you in the earth, and to Him you shall be gathered."
[67:25] And they say, "When will this promise come true if you are truthful?"
[67:26] Say, "The knowledge is with God. I am no more than a clear warner."
[67:27] When they saw it close at hand, the faces of those who disbelieved turned miserable, and it was said, "This is what you used to call for."
[67:28] Say, "Have you considered: Whether God annihilates me and those with me or has mercy upon us, who is it who can protect the disbelievers from a painful punishment?"
[67:29] Say, "He is the Almighty. We believe in Him, and in Him we trust, and you will surely know who is in clear misguidance."
[67:30] Say, "Have you considered: If your water becomes sunken into the ground, who will provide you with flowing water?"
Sura 68 The Pen (Al-Qalam)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[68:1] N. By the pen and what they inscribe:
[68:2] You are not, by the blessing of your Lord, a madman,
[68:3] and indeed, you shall have a never-ending reward,
[68:4] and indeed, you are of a great moral character.
[68:5] So you will see, and they will see
[68:6] which of you is the afflicted one.
[68:7] Indeed, your Lord knows best who has strayed off His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.
[68:8] So do not obey the deniers.
[68:9] They wish that you would compromise, then they too would compromise.
[68:10] Do not obey every despicable habitual swearer,
[68:11] backbiter, spreader of slander,
[68:12] preventer of good, transgressor, sinner,
[68:13] gross, and furthermore, dishonourable,
[68:14] just because he possesses wealth and children.
[68:15] When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, "Tales of the previous ones."
[68:16] We will brand him on the snout!
[68:17] We have tested them, just like We tested the owners of the garden when they swore that they would harvest it in the morning
[68:18] without making any exceptions.
[68:19] So a visitation from your Lord passed by it while they were asleep,
[68:20] so it became as though it had been plucked.
[68:21] They called out to one another in the morning,
[68:22] "Go early to your field if you intend to harvest."
[68:23] So off they went, whispering to one another,
[68:24] "Let no needy person enter it upon you today."
[68:25] They went off early, determined and able.
[68:26] But when they saw it, they said, "Indeed, we are astray!
[68:27] Rather, we have been deprived."
[68:28] The most moderate among them said, "Did I not say to you, 'If only you would glorify?' "
[68:29] They said, "Glory to our Lord! Indeed, we have been transgressors."
[68:30] They approached one another, blaming each other.
[68:31] They said, "Woe to us! Indeed, we have been transgressors.
[68:32] Perhaps our Lord will replace one better than it for us. To our Lord, we seek to turn."
[68:33] Such is the punishment. And the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they only knew.
[68:34] For the reverent there shall be, at their Lord, Gardens of Bliss.
[68:35] Should We make the Submitters the same as the criminals?
[68:36] What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
[68:37]Or do you have some book in which you are studying?
[68:38]Do you have in it whatever you choose?
[68:39] Or do you have a pledge that is binding on Us until the Day of Resurrection, allowing you to have whatever you decide?
[68:40] Ask them, "Which one of them makes such a claim?"
[68:41] Or do they have partners? Then let them produce their partners if they are truthful.
[68:42] On the Day when a leg will be exposed, they will be called to prostration, but they will be unable to.
Footnote 68:42 – The Arabic words 'yukshaf aan saaq' literally mean: a leg will be exposed. A saying used by the early Arabs was 'kashafa al-amr aan saqihi', which literally means: the matter exposed its legs. This saying is used metaphorically to mean that the horror has increased. In the context of 68:42, these words mean that on the Day of Judgment, the horrors will increase and become apparent to the disbelievers.
[68:43] With their eyesight subdued, humiliation will overwhelm them, for they used to be called to prostration when they were sound and able.
[68:44] So leave the one who denies this Hadith to Me. We will lead them on from where they know not.
[68:45] I will give them respite. Indeed, My scheme is firm.
[68:46] Or are you asking them for a payment that leaves them weighed down with debt?
[68:47] Or is the unseen available to them, and so they are writing it down?
[68:48] So be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and do not be like the companion of the fish when he called out while he was in great distress.
[68:49] Had it not been that a blessing from his Lord reached him, he would have been thrown onto the naked shore in disgrace.
[68:50] But his Lord chose him and made him one of the righteous.
[68:51] Those who disbelieved almost strike you down with their looks when they hear the Reminder, and they say, "He is a madman!"
[68:52] It is but a Reminder for all the people.
Sura 69 The Undeniable Reality (Al- Haaqqah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[69:1] The Undeniable Reality!
[69:2] What is the Undeniable Reality?
[69:3] And how would you know what the Undeniable Reality is?
[69:4] Thamoud and Aad denied the Striking Calamity.
[69:5] As for Thamoud, they were annihilated by the devastating blast.
[69:6] And as for Aad, they were annihilated by a devastating howling wind.
[69:7] He subjected it upon them for seven nights and eight days nonstop. You could see the people therein fallen dead as if they were hollow trunks of palm trees.
[69:8] So do you see any remnant of them left?
[69:9] Pharaoh and those before him and the overturned towns came up with wrongdoing.
[69:10] They disobeyed the messenger of their Lord, so He seized them with an ever-tightening grip.
[69:11] Indeed, when the water totally overwhelmed, We carried you on the floating vessel
[69:12] that We would make it a reminder for you, and that attentive ears may heed it.
[69:13] So when the horn is blown a single blast,
[69:14] and the earth and the mountains are lifted and crushed to rubble with a single crushing blow;
[69:15] on that Day, the Event will occur.
[69:16] The heaven was split open, for on that Day, it was indeed frail.
[69:17] The angels will be around its edges, and eight will carry your Lord's Throne above them on that Day.
[69:18] On that Day, you will be exhibited. No secret of yours will be hidden.
[69:19] So for the one who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, "Here, read my book.
[69:20] I certainly knew that I was going to receive my reckoning."
[69:21] So he will have a contented life
[69:22] in a high Garden,
[69:23] with its ripe fruits hanging low:
[69:24] "Eat and drink joyfully in return for what you did before in days gone by."
[69:25] And as for the one who is given his book in his left hand, he will say, "Oh, I wish I was not given my book
[69:26] and had not known my reckoning!
[69:27] I wish it were the absolute end!
[69:28] My wealth has not availed me.
[69:29] My authority has been wiped out."
[69:30] Take him and shackle him,
[69:31] then roast him in Hellfire.
[69:32] Then insert him into a chain the length of which is seventy cubits.
[69:33] He did not use to believe in God, the Great,
[69:34] nor did he advocate the feeding of the needy.
[69:35] So he has no friend here today,
[69:36] nor any food other than discharged pollution
[69:37] which none eats but the sinners.
[69:38] So I swear by what you see
[69:39] and what you do not see:
[69:40] it is indeed the utterance of a noble messenger.
[69:41] It is not the utterance of a poet. Little do you believe!
[69:42] Nor is it the utterance of a soothsayer. Little do you take heed!
[69:43] It is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
[69:44]Had he falsely attributed any sayings to Us,
[69:45]We would have grabbed him by the right,
Footnote 69:45 - For the words 'the right', see footnote 37:28.
[69:46] and We would have severed his aorta.
[69:47] None of you would be able to prevent it.
[69:48] And indeed, it is a Reminder for the reverent.
[69:49] And indeed, We know that some of you are deniers.
[69:50] And indeed, it is a cause of remorse for the disbelievers.
[69:51] It is the true certainty.
[69:52] So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
Sura 70 The Ascending Stairways (Al-Ma'aarej)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[70:1] A questioner asked about a punishment that will surely happen
[70:2] to the disbelievers, and which none can avert.
[70:3] It is from God: Possessor of the Ascending Stairways.
[70:4] The angels and the Ruh ascend to Him in a day the measure of which was fifty thousand years.
[70:5] So be patient; a gracious patience.
[70:6] They see it as something distant,
[70:7] while We see it imminent.
[70:8] The Day when the sky will be like molten brass,
[70:9] and the mountains will be like tufts of wool,
[70:10] and no friend will ask about another friend,
[70:11] even though they will be made to see them. The criminal will wish that he could be ransomed from the punishment of that Day by his children,
[70:12] and his wife, and his brother,
[70:13] and his clan that sheltered him,
[70:14] and all who are in the earth, that it might save him.
[70:15] But no! It is a raging flame
[70:16] that strips away the scalps.
[70:17] It invites those who drew back and turned away,
[70:18] and amassed and hoarded.
[70:19] The human being is created anxious.
[70:20] If touched by adversity, he is miserable,
[70:21] and if good fortune comes his way, he is stingy.
[70:22] Except the observers of the Salat;
[70:23] the ones who always maintain their Salat,
[70:24] and the ones in whose money there is an acknowledged decreed right
[70:25] for the beggar and the deprived,
[70:26] and those who believe in the Day of the Religion,
[70:27] and those who are fearful of the punishment of their Lord.
[70:28] Indeed, the punishment of their Lord is not that from which one is safe.
[70:29] And those who guard their private parts,
[70:30] except from their spouses or what their right hands possess, in which case they are free from blame.
[70:31] Then whoever seeks beyond that, they are indeed the transgressors.
[70:32] And those who honour what they have been entrusted with and their oaths,
[70:33] and those who stand by their testimonies,
[70:34] and those who maintain their Salat;
[70:35] they shall be in Gardens, honoured.
[70:36] What is the matter with the disbelievers rushing headlong towards you
[70:37] from the right and from the left in flocks?
[70:38] Does each one of them aspire to be admitted into a Garden of Bliss?
[70:39] No indeed! We created them from that which they know.
[70:40] So I swear by the Lord of the easts and the wests; We are indeed Capable
[70:41] of replacing them with better than them, and We can never be outstripped.
[70:42] So leave them to engage in vain discourse and play until they meet their Day that they are promised;
[70:43] the Day they hurriedly emerge out of the graves as if they were hastening towards an altar.
[70:44] With their eyesight subdued, humiliation will overwhelm them. That is the Day that they had been promised.
Sura 71 Noah (Nooh)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[71:1] We sent Noah to his people: "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment."
[71:2] He said, "O my people, I am a clear warner to you.
[71:3] You shall worship God, reverence Him, and obey me.
[71:4] He will then forgive you your sins and grant you respite for a specified term. When God's specified time arrives, it cannot be delayed if you only knew."
[71:5] He said, "My Lord, I have invited my people night and day,
[71:6] but my invitation increased them in nothing other than evasion!
[71:7] Whenever I invited them, that You may forgive them, they placed their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their clothes, persisted, and acted with great arrogance.
[71:8] Then I invited them aloud.
[71:9] Then I announced to them openly and also confided with them privately.
[71:10] I said, 'Ask your Lord for forgiveness. Indeed, He is Forgiving.
[71:11] He will shower you generously from the sky,
[71:12] and supply you with wealth and children, and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.' "
[71:13] What is the matter with you that you do not wish to accredit any dignity to God
[71:14] when He has created you in stages?
[71:15] Do you not see how God created seven universes in layers,
[71:16] and rendered the moon a source of light therein, and made the sun a lamp?
[71:17] And God made you grow out of the earth like plants,
[71:18] then He returns you into it and will bring you out most certainly.
[71:19] And God rendered the earth well spread out for you
[71:20] so that you may thread wide paths therein.
[71:21] Noah said, "My Lord, they disobeyed me and followed one whose wealth and children increased him in nothing other than loss,
[71:22] and they schemed a mighty scheme,
[71:23] and they said, 'Do not abandon your gods, and do not abandon Wadd, or Suwaa, or Yaghouth and Ya'ooq and Nasr.'
[71:24] They have misguided many, so do not increase the transgressors in anything but misguidance."
[71:25] Because of their sins, they were drowned and admitted into a Fire. They found for themselves no helpers besides God.
[71:26] And Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave on earth from the disbelievers any inhabitant.
[71:27] If You leave them, they will misguide Your servants, and they will beget nothing but depraved disbelievers.
[71:28] My Lord, forgive me and my parents and anyone who enters my home as a believer, and the believing men and women, and do not increase the transgressors except in destruction."
Sura 72 The Jinn (Al-Jinn)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[72:1] Say, "It was inspired to me that a group of jinn listened, then said, 'We have heard an amazing Quran
[72:2] that guides to the correctness, so we believed in it, and we will not associate anyone with our Lord.
[72:3] And that exalted is the Majesty of our Lord. He has not taken a wife or a son.
[72:4] And that the foolish one amongst us used to utter outrageous falsehood about God,
[72:5] though we had thought that neither the humans nor the jinn would utter lies about God.
[72:6] And there were men among the humans who used to seek refuge in men from among the jinn, but they increased them in burden.
[72:7] And they thought, just like you thought, that God would not resurrect anyone.
[72:8] And we felt our way through the heaven and found it filled with fierce guards and projectiles.
[72:9] And we used to sit there in listening positions, but whoever listens in now will find a projectile pursuing him.
[72:10] And we do not know whether evil is intended for those in the earth, or if their Lord wills for them the guidance.
[72:11] And among us are the righteous, and among us are other than that. We have been following different paths.
[72:12] And we realised that we cannot thwart God in the earth, nor can we thwart Him by running away.
[72:13] And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. Anyone who believes in his Lord should not fear any deprivation or burden.
[72:14] And among us are Submitters, and among us are the deviators. As for those who have submitted, they have indeed sought out the guidance.
[72:15] As for the deviators, they will be firewood for Hell.' "
[72:16] Had they been straight and upright on the path, We would have provided them with abundant water
Footnote 72:16 – Abundance of water, particularly rainwater, is a sign of great blessings since all provisions that come out of the earth depend on water for life and growth.
[72:17] so that We would test them therein. And whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will insert him into a mounting punishment.
[72:18] The masjids are for God, so do not call upon anyone else besides God.
[72:19] And when God's servant stood up to call upon Him, they almost swarmed all over him.
[72:20] Say, "I call only upon my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with Him."
[72:21] Say, "I possess no power to harm you, nor to guide you."
[72:22] Say, "No one can protect me from God, nor will I ever find refuge in other than Him.
[72:23] It is but a notification from God, and His messages." Whoever disobeys God and His messenger shall incur the fire of Hell. Therein, they shall forever remain.
[72:24] Only when they see what they were promised will they know who has less support and is fewer in number.
[72:25] Say, "I do not know whether what you are promised is imminent or whether my Lord will set a long term for it."
[72:26] The Knower of the unseen; He does not reveal His unseen to anyone
[72:27] except to a messenger whom He has approved of. And indeed, He places observers before him and behind him,
[72:28] so that He may know that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He has encompassed what is with them, and He has counted the number of all things.
Sura 73 The Enwrapped (Al-Muzzammil)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[73:1] O you enwrapped one,
[73:2] arise during the night, except a little,
[73:3] half of it, or reduce from it a little,
[73:4] or add to it a little, and recite the Quran at a measured pace.
[73:5] We will cast upon you a heavy Word.
[73:6] The night vigil is more productive and more receptive to what is to be told.
[73:7] During the day, you are long occupied with other matters.
[73:8] Remember the name of your Lord, and devote yourself wholeheartedly to Him.
[73:9] He is the Lord of the east and the west. There is no god except Him, so take Him as a Trustee.
[73:10] Be patient in the face of what they say, and part company with them gracefully.
[73:11] And leave the deniers who are immersed in luxury to Me. Just give them a little respite.
[73:12] Indeed, We have shackles and Hellfire,
[73:13] and food that chokes, and a painful punishment
[73:14] on the Day when the earth and the mountains will shake, and the mountains will become heaps of crumbling sand.
[73:15] We have sent to you a messenger serving as a witness over you, just as We sent Pharaoh a messenger.
[73:16] But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger, so We seized him with a disastrous grip.
[73:17] So how are you able to be reverent if you have disbelieved in a Day that turns children's hair grey?
[73:18] The heaven will shatter therefrom. His promise will be fulfilled.
[73:19] Indeed, this is a reminder, so whoever wills shall pursue a path to his Lord.
[73:20] Indeed, your Lord knows that you stay up a little less than two-thirds of the night, and half of it, and one-third of it, along with a group among those with you. And God determines the night and the day. He knows that you will not be able to keep its count, so He has redeemed you. So read what you can of the Quran. He knows there will be among you those who are ill, and others travelling the land seeking God's bounty, and others fighting in the cause of God. So read what you can of it, observe the Salat, give the Zakat, and lend God a good loan. Whatever good you put forward for yourselves, you will find it with God, better and greater in reward. And ask God for forgiveness. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
Sura 74 The Covered One (Al-Muddathir)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[74:1] O you who are covered,
[74:2] rise and warn,
[74:3] and magnify your Lord,
[74:4] and purify your garments,
[74:5] and desert the un-cleanliness,
[74:6] and do not grant favours in order to make gains,
[74:7] and in the cause of your Lord, be patient.
[74:8] Then when the trumpet is blown,
[74:9] that Day will be a difficult day
[74:10] upon the disbelievers; it will not be easy.
[74:11] Leave the one whom I created on his own to Me,
[74:12] and to whom I granted extensive wealth,
[74:13] and children to behold,
[74:14] and I made everything smooth for him.
[74:15] Then he is greedy that I should add more!
[74:16] But no! He was stubborn towards Our revelations.
[74:17] I will exhaust him increasingly.
[74:18] Indeed, he thought and determined.
[74:19] Woe to him for how he determined.
[74:20] Then, woe to him for how he determined.
[74:21] Then he looked.
[74:22] Then he frowned and scowled.
[74:23] Then he turned away and was arrogant,
[74:24] and said, "This is nothing but old magic handed down.
[74:25] This is nothing other than the words of humans."
[74:26] I will roast him in Saqar.
[74:27] And how would you know what Saqar is?
[74:28] It does not spare nor leave anything.
[74:29] A scorcher of mankind.
[74:30] Over it are nineteen.
[74:31] We have appointed none but angels as the keepers of the Fire. And We have not assigned their number except as a test for those who have disbelieved, and so that those who were given the Scripture would attain certainty, and so that those who believe would increase in faith, and so that those given the Scripture and the believers would not doubt, and so that those with sickness in their hearts and the disbelievers would say, "What did God mean by this example?" Thus does God misguide whom He wills and guide whom He wills. And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. It is nothing but a reminder for mankind.
[74:32] No indeed! By the moon,
[74:33] and the night when it withdraws,
[74:34] and the morning when it brightens,
[74:35] it is indeed one of the greatest.
[74:36] A warning to mankind:
[74:37] to those among you who wish to advance or regress.
[74:38] Every self is held in pledge by what it has earned.
[74:39] Only the companions of the right
[74:40] will be in Gardens and inquiring
[74:41] about the criminals,
[74:42] "What brought you into Saqar?"
[74:43] They said, "We were not of those who observed the Salat,
[74:44] and we did not use to feed the needy,
[74:45] and we used to engage in vain discourse with those who did the same,
[74:46] and we used to deny the Day of the Religion
[74:47] until we attained certainty."
[74:48] So the intercession of the intercessors will not avail them.
[74:49] What is the matter with them that they turn away from the reminder
[74:50] as if they were panicking donkeys
[74:51] fleeing from a lion?
[74:52] Rather, each one of them wants to be given a Scroll laid open.
[74:53] No indeed! They do not fear the Hereafter.
[74:54] No indeed! It is a reminder,
[74:55] so whoever wills shall remember it.
[74:56] And they will not remember unless God wills. He is most worthy of reverence, and He is most worthy of granting forgiveness.
Sura 75 The Resurrection (Al-Qeyammah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[75:1] I swear by the Day of Resurrection!
[75:2] And I swear by the self that is constantly blaming!
[75:3] Does the human being think that We will not reassemble his bones?
[75:4] Yes indeed! We are Capable of restoring even his fingertips.
Footnote 75:4 – The significance of the words 'fingertips' in this verse was not fully understood until the 19th century when fingerprints, which are unique to every person, were discovered. God is not only able to reassemble the bones of the human being (75:3) but He is able to reconstruct the finest details of the human body.
[75:5] Yet the human being wishes to sin for the time left ahead of him.
[75:6] He asks, "When is the Day of Resurrection?"
[75:7] Then, when the sight is dazzled,
[75:8] and the moon is eclipsed,
[75:9] and the sun and the moon are joined;
[75:10] on that Day, the human being will say, "Where is the escape?"
[75:11] No indeed! There is no refuge.
[75:12] To your Lord, on that Day, is the place of settlement.
[75:13] The human being will be informed on that Day of what he did to his credit and what he did to his debit.
[75:14] In fact, the human being is an eye-witness against himself
[75:15] in spite of any excuses he may offer.
[75:16] Do not move your tongue with it to hasten it.
[75:17] Indeed, upon Us is its collection and its recitation.
[75:18] Then, when We recite it, follow its recitation.
[75:19] Then upon Us is its clarification.
[75:20] But no! In fact, you love the fleeting life
[75:21] and you disregard the Hereafter!
[75:22] Some faces on that Day will be radiant,
[75:23] looking at their Lord.
[75:24] And some faces on that Day will be miserable,
[75:25] realising that something backbreaking will be done to them.
[75:26] No indeed! When it reaches the collarbone,
[75:27] and it is said, "Who can save him?"
[75:28] And he realises that it is the time of parting,
[75:29] and one leg will be twisted around the other leg.
[75:30] To your Lord, on that Day, he will be driven.
[75:31] For he neither believed nor prayed,
[75:32] but rather, he denied and turned away.
[75:33] Then he went to his family, swaggering!
[75:34] You deserved this. Indeed, you have deserved it.
[75:35] And once again, you deserved this. Yes, you have deserved it.
[75:36] Does the human being think that he will be left to go unchecked?
[75:37] Was he not a tiny drop of ejaculated semen,
[75:38] then he became an aalaqah, which He created and fashioned,
Footnote 75:38 – For 'aalaqah', see footnote 22:5.
[75:39] then He ordained from it the two sexes, the male and the female?
[75:40] Is such One not Capable of bringing the dead to life?
Sura 76 The Human Being (Al-Insaan)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[76:1] Has there come upon the human being a period of time when he was nothing to be mentioned?
[76:2] We created the human being from a tiny drop of mixed fluid in order to test him, and We made him able to hear and see.
[76:3] We guided him to the path, be he grateful or ungrateful.
[76:4] We have prepared chains for the disbelievers, shackles and a Blaze.
[76:5] Indeed, the pious will drink from a cup whose mixture is of camphor.
Footnote 76:5 – In ancient and medieval Europe, camphor was used as an ingredient in sweets. By the 13th century, it was used in recipes everywhere in the Muslim world, ranging from main dishes to desserts. It is currently used as a flavouring, primarily for sweets, in Asia.
Footnote 76:5 – In ancient and medieval Europe, camphor was used as an ingredient in sweets. By the 13th century, it was used in recipes everywhere in the Muslim world, ranging from main dishes to desserts. It is currently used as a flavouring, primarily for sweets, in Asia.
[76:6] A spring from which the servants of God will drink. They will make it gush forth abundantly.
[76:7] They fulfil their vows, and they fear a Day whose horror will be widespread.
[76:8] And they give food away, despite their love for it, to the needy, the orphan and the captive:
[76:9] "We only feed you because we seek the Face of God. We want no reward from you or thanks.
[76:10] We fear from our Lord a grim, distressful Day."
[76:11] So God shielded them from the evil of that Day, and granted them radiance and happiness.
[76:12] And He rewarded them for their patience with Paradise and silk.
[76:13] They recline therein on couches, seeing neither sun nor bitter cold therein.
[76:14] Low above them are its canopies, and its ripe fruits are ordained to be within reach.
[76:15] Silver vessels will be passed among them, as well as cups made of crystal,
[76:16] crystal of silver, which they determined its measure precisely.
[76:17] And therein, they will be served a drink from a cup whose mixture is of ginger.
[76:18] In it, there is a spring called 'Salsabeel'.
[76:19] Passing by them will be immortal boys. If you see them, you would think they were scattered pearls.
[76:20] When you look there, you will see bliss and a great dominion.
[76:21] Upon them are garments of fine green silk and brocade. They are adorned with silver bracelets, and they are given pure drinks by their Lord.
[76:22] "This is a reward for you, and your striving has been gratefully received."
[76:23] Indeed, it is We who brought down upon you this Quran in stages.
[76:24] So be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and do not obey any sinner or ungrateful one among them.
[76:25] And remember the name of your Lord in the morning and the evening.
[76:26] And during the night, prostrate to Him and glorify Him during the long night.
[76:27] Indeed, those love the fleeting life and totally disregard a heavy Day that is ahead of them!
[76:28] We created them and strengthened their form. If We will, We can replace them with others like them.
[76:29] Indeed, this is a reminder, so whoever wills shall pursue a path to his Lord.
[76:30] And you will not will unless God wills. Indeed, God is Knowledgeable, Wise.
[76:31] He admits whom He wills into His mercy. As for the transgressors, He has prepared for them a painful punishment.
Sura 77 Those Sent Forth (Al-Mursalaat)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[77:1] By those despatched in succession,
[77:2] and those gusting and blowing violently,
[77:3] and the spreaders that spread,
[77:4] and the separators that separate,
[77:5] and those who deliver a Reminder
[77:6] by way of excuse or a warning:
[77:7] what you are promised will surely happen.
[77:8] So when the stars are extinguished,
[77:9] and when the heaven is split open,
[77:10] and when the mountains are blown up,
[77:11] and when the messengers are gathered to their appointed time;
[77:12] for what day has it been deferred?
[77:13] For the Day of Decision.
[77:14] And how would you know what the Day of Decision is?
[77:15] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:16] Did We not annihilate the previous ones,
[77:17] then succeeded them with the later ones?
[77:18] That is what We do with the criminals.
[77:19] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:20] Did We not create you from a despised fluid,
[77:21] then We placed it in a secure resting place
[77:22] for a known term?
[77:23] And We determined precisely. How excellent Determiners We are!
[77:24] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:25] Did We not make the earth a receptacle
[77:26] for the living and the dead,
[77:27] and We placed towering stabilisers in it and provided you with fresh water to drink?
[77:28] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:29] Proceed to that which you used to deny.
[77:30] Proceed to a shade with three columns,
[77:31] providing no shade, nor does it avail against the flames.
[77:32] It shoots up sparks the size of castles,
[77:33] as if they were yellow camels.
[77:34] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:35] This is a Day when they will not speak,
[77:36] nor will they be permitted to offer excuses.
[77:37] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:38] This is the Day of Decision. We have gathered you and the previous ones,
[77:39] so if you have any schemes, go ahead and scheme.
[77:40] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:41] Indeed, the reverent will be amid shades and springs,
[77:42] and such fruits that they desire.
[77:43] Eat and drink joyfully in return for what you used to do.
[77:44] Indeed, We thus reward the good-doers.
[77:45] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:46] Eat and enjoy yourselves briefly. Indeed, you are criminals.
[77:47] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:48] And when they are told to bow, they do not bow.
[77:49] Woe on that Day to the deniers.
[77:50]So in which hadith after it do they believe?
Sura 78 The News (Al-Naba)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[78:1] What are they asking one another about?
[78:2] It is about the great news
[78:3] about which they differ.
[78:4] But no! They will come to know.
[78:5] Again, no indeed! They will come to know.
[78:6] Did We not make the earth a resting place,
[78:7] and the mountains as pegs?
[78:8] And We created you in pairs?
[78:9] And We made your sleep for rest,
[78:10] and rendered the night a covering,
[78:11] and made the day for livelihood?
[78:12] And We built above you seven mighty ones,
[78:13] and made a blazing lamp?
[78:14] And We brought down pouring water from rain clouds
[78:15] to produce with it grains and plants,
[78:16] and gardens of entwined growth?
[78:17] The Day of Decision is an appointed time.
[78:18] The Day the horn is blown, you will come in multitudes.
[78:19] The heaven was opened and became gateways.
[78:20] And the mountains were moved and became mirages.
Footnote 78:19-20 - Although these verses speak of future events in the Hereafter, they are worded in the past tense. See footnotes 6:128 and 17:52.
[78:21] Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait
[78:22] for the transgressors as a homecoming.
[78:23] They shall remain therein for ages.
[78:24] They do not taste therein any coolness nor any drink,
[78:25] but only boiling water and a filthy pus
[78:26] as a fitting penalty.
[78:27] They did not expect to be held accountable,
[78:28] and they vehemently denied Our revelations.
[78:29] We have kept count of everything in a Record.
[78:30] So taste, for We will increase you in nothing other than punishment.
[78:31] For the reverent, there is triumph:
[78:32] gardens and grapevines,
[78:33] and nubile companions of same-age,
[78:34] and a cup that is full.
[78:35] They do not hear in it any idle talk nor lies.
[78:36] It is a reward from your Lord, a commensurate donation.
[78:37] Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is in between them, the Almighty; they have no authority to speak before Him.
[78:38] On the Day the Ruh and the angels will stand in a row, none will speak except the one permitted by the Almighty and says what is right.
[78:39] That is the True Day, so whoever wills shall seek a return to his Lord.
[78:40] Indeed, We have warned you of an imminent punishment on the Day when man will look at what his hands have put forth, and the disbeliever will say, "I wish I were dust."
Sura 79 The Snatchers (Al-Nazi'aat)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[79:1] By those who snatch forcibly,
[79:2] and those who draw out gently,
[79:3] and those who glide effortlessly,
[79:4] and those who outrun easily,
[79:5] and those who manage the affairs:
[79:6] on the Day the quake quakes,
[79:7] and is followed by the second blow;
[79:8] hearts on that Day will tremble,
[79:9] and their eyesight will be subdued.
[79:10] They will say, "Are we to be returned to our former state
[79:11] when we have become decayed bones?"
[79:12] They said, "That would then be a losing return!"
[79:13] It is but a single nudge,
[79:14] whereupon they will be upon the earth's surface.
[79:15] Has the story of Moses reached you,
[79:16] when his Lord called out to him at the holy valley Tuwa?
[79:17] "Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed
[79:18] and say, 'Are you willing to purify yourself
[79:19] and let me guide you to your Lord so that you may fear Him?' "
[79:20] Then he showed him the great miracle,
[79:21] but he denied and disobeyed.
[79:22] Then he hastily turned away.
[79:23] Then he gathered and called out,
[79:24] and said, "I am your lord, the most high."
[79:25] So God seized him with an exemplary punishment in the Hereafter and the first life.
[79:26] Indeed, in that is a lesson for those who fear.
[79:27] Are you a mightier creation or the heaven that He built?
[79:28] He raised its height and fashioned it,
[79:29] and He darkened its night and brought out its brightness.
[79:30] Then the earth, after that, He made it egg-shaped.
Footnote 79:30 - The last word in 79:30 is the Arabic word 'dahaha'. This is the verb from the word 'dahya' which means an egg, and more specifically, the egg of an ostrich. The word 'dahaha' means 'made it egg-shaped'.
Footnote 79:30 - The last word in 79:30 is the Arabic word 'dahaha'. This is the verb from the word 'dahya' which means an egg, and more specifically, the egg of an ostrich. The word 'dahaha' means 'made it egg-shaped'.
Even though it was known from the 5th century BC that the earth is a sphere, and the earth's circumference was calculated in the 3rd century BC, the realisation that the earth is not a perfect sphere but an ellipsoid was not confirmed until the 17th century, as described by Isaac Newton in Principia. In effect, the circumference around the equator is greater than the circumference connecting the poles, i.e. the earth is flattened at the poles.
In addition, it has also been found that the radius measured from the centre of the earth to the north pole is greater than that to the south pole. In other words, the earth is egg-shaped (oblate spheroid).
In addition, it has also been found that the radius measured from the centre of the earth to the north pole is greater than that to the south pole. In other words, the earth is egg-shaped (oblate spheroid).
In only one word, 'dahaha', the Quran (610-632 AD) settled this matter long before science caught up.
[79:31] He brought forth from it its water and pasture,
[79:32] and He affixed the mountains;
[79:33] an enjoyment for you and for your livestock.
[79:34] Then, when the great calamity arrives,
[79:35] it will be the Day when the human being will remember all his striving.
[79:36] Hellfire will be brought forward for those who can see.
[79:37] So for the one who transgressed
[79:38] and preferred the worldly life,
[79:39] Hellfire will be the refuge.
[79:40] And as for the one who feared the position of his Lord, and restrained the self from base desires,
[79:41] Paradise will be the refuge.
[79:42] They ask you about the Hour: "When is its arrival?"
[79:43] What has its mention got to do with you?
[79:44] With your Lord rests its finality.
[79:45] You are only a warner for those who fear it.
[79:46] The Day they see it, it will be as if they lasted only one evening or morning thereof.
Sura 80 He Frowned (Abasa)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[80:1] He frowned and turned away
[80:2] because the blind man came to him.
[80:3] But how are you to know? Perhaps he may be purified,
[80:4] or he may be reminded, and so the reminder would benefit him.
[80:5] As for the one who is well-off and in need of no one,
[80:6] to him you gave your attention
[80:7] when it is not your responsibility as to whether or not he is purified!
[80:8] As for the one who came to you striving earnestly,
[80:9] and was fearful,
[80:10] you did not give him your attention!
[80:11] No indeed! This is a reminder,
[80:12] so whoever wills shall remember it.
[80:13] It is in honourable Scrolls,
[80:14] exalted and purified.
[80:15] It is by the hands of scribes,
[80:16] noble and pious.
[80:17] Woe to the human being, how unappreciative he is!
[80:18] From what thing did He create him?
[80:19] From a tiny drop, He created him and proportioned him.
[80:20] Then He made the path easy for him.
[80:21] Then He put him to death and into the grave.
[80:22] Then, when He wills, He resurrects him.
[80:23] But no! He has not done what He commanded him.
[80:24] The human being should look at his food:
[80:25] We have poured down the water abundantly,
[80:26] then We split the earth into furrows
[80:27] and grew in it grains,
[80:28] grapes and herbs,
[80:29] olives and palm trees,
[80:30] and dense gardens,
[80:31] as well as fruits and grass
[80:32] as an enjoyment for you and your livestock.
[80:33] Then when the deafening blast comes,
[80:34] on the Day when a man flees from his brother,
[80:35] his mother and father,
[80:36] as well as his wife and his children;
[80:37] each man on that Day will have concerns that preoccupy him.
[80:38] Some faces on that Day will be radiant,
[80:39] laughing and rejoicing.
[80:40] And other faces on that Day will be covered with dust
[80:41] and overcome with gloom;
[80:42] those are the depraved disbelievers.
Sura 81 The Rolling Over (Al-Takweer)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[81:1] When the sun is rounded up,
[81:2] and when the stars collapse,
[81:3] and when the mountains are set in motion,
[81:4] and when pregnancies are halted,
[81:5] and when the beasts are gathered,
[81:6] and when the seas are set aflame,
[81:7] and when the selves are paired,
[81:8] and when the baby girl who was buried alive is asked
[81:9] for what crime was she killed?
[81:10] And when the Scrolls are laid open
[81:11] and when the sky is stripped away,
[81:12] and when Hellfire is set ablaze,
[81:13] and when Paradise is brought near:
[81:14] each self will know what it has brought forth.
[81:15] I swear by the retreating planets
[81:16] that run and hide,
[81:17] and the night as it closes in,
[81:18] and the morning as it breathes:
[81:19] it is the utterance of a noble messenger,
[81:20] possessing power and secured by the Possessor of the Throne.
[81:21] He is to be obeyed and trusted.
[81:22] And your friend is not mad.
[81:23] He saw him at the clear horizon.
[81:24] He is not withholding any knowledge of the unseen,
[81:25] and it is not the utterance of an outcast devil.
[81:26] So where are you going?
[81:27] It is but a Reminder for all the people;
[81:28] for those of you who wish to go straight.
[81:29] And you will not will unless God wills, the Lord of the Worlds.
Sura 82 The Shattering (Al-Infitaar)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[82:1] When the sky is shattered,
[82:2] and when the planets are scattered,
[82:3] and when the seas are exploded,
[82:4] and when the graves are overturned:
[82:5] each self will know how it advanced and how it regressed.
[82:6] O you human being, what deluded you concerning your Lord, the Generous,
[82:7] who created you, fashioned you, and proportioned you?
[82:8] He assembled you in whatever form He willed.
[82:9] Nevertheless, you deny the religion!
[82:10] And indeed, over you are guardians,
[82:11] noble and recording.
[82:12] They know what you do.
[82:13] The pious will be in bliss,
[82:14] and the depraved will be in Hellfire.
[82:15] They will roast in it on the Day of the Religion.
[82:16] They will not go missing from it.
[82:17] And how would you know what the Day of the Religion is?
[82:18] Then, how would you know what the Day of the Religion is?
[82:19] It is the Day when no self will possess anything to avail another self, and the command on that Day belongs to God.
Sura 83 The Cheaters (Al-Muttaffifeen)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[83:1] Woe to the cheaters
[83:2] who, when receiving a measure from the people, they take all that is due,
[83:3] but when giving them a measure or weight, they give less than what is due.
[83:4] Do these not realise that they will be resurrected
[83:5] for a great Day?
[83:6] It is the Day when the people will stand before the Lord of the Worlds.
[83:7] No indeed! The book of the depraved is in Sijjeen.
[83:8] And how would you know what Sijjeen is?
[83:9] A numbered Book.
[83:10] Woe on that Day to the deniers
[83:11] who deny the Day of the Religion.
[83:12] None denies it except every sinful transgressor.
[83:13] When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, "Tales of the previous ones."
[83:14] No indeed! Rather, their hearts have been tainted by what they used to earn.
[83:15] No indeed! On that Day, they will be partitioned from their Lord.
[83:16] Then they will roast in Hellfire.
[83:17] Then it will be said, "This is what you used to deny."
[83:18] No indeed! The book of the pious is in Elliyyeen.
[83:19]And how would you know what Elliyyoon is?
[83:20]A numbered Book
[83:21]to be witnessed by those brought near.
[83:22] The pious are in bliss.
[83:23] On the couches, they observe.
[83:24] You recognise in their faces the radiance of bliss.
[83:25] They are served sealed drinks of nectar.
[83:26] Its after-taste is musk, so for this, the competitors should compete.
[83:27] Its mixture is from Tasneem;
[83:28] a spring from which those brought near will drink.
[83:29] Those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed,
[83:30] and when they passed by them, they would wink at one another,
[83:31] and when they returned to their families, they would return jesting,
[83:32] and when they saw them, they would say, "Those are surely misguided."
[83:33] But they were not sent as guardians over them.
[83:34] So today, those who believed are laughing at the disbelievers.
[83:35] On the couches, they observe.
[83:36] Have the disbelievers then been requited for what they did?
Sura 84 The Splitting Open (Al-Inshiqaaq)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[84:1] When the sky is split open,
[84:2] and hearkened to its Lord, as in truth it must,
[84:3] and when the earth is stretched out,
[84:4] and ejected what is in it and relinquished,
[84:5] and hearkened to its Lord, as in truth it must:
[84:6] O human being, you are toiling towards your Lord laboriously, then you will meet Him.
[84:7] As for the one who is given his book in his right hand,
[84:8] he will be given an easy reckoning,
[84:9] and will return to his family joyfully.
[84:10] As for the one who is given his book behind his back,
[84:11] he will plead for destruction,
[84:12] and will roast in a Blaze.
[84:13] Indeed, he used to be happy among his family.
[84:14] Indeed, he thought that he was not going to return!
[84:15] Not so! His Lord was Seer of him.
[84:16] So I swear by the twilight glow,
[84:17] and the night and what it shrouds,
[84:18] and the moon as it becomes full;
[84:19] you will surely travel from stage to stage.
[84:20] So what is the matter with them that they do not believe,
[84:21] and when the Quran is read to them, they do not prostrate?
[84:22] But no! Those who disbelieved deny.
[84:23] God knows best what they keep within themselves.
[84:24] So give them the news of a painful punishment,
[84:25] except those who believe and do good deeds, they shall have a never-ending reward.
Sura 85 The Constellations (Al-Burooj)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[85:1] By the sky containing the constellations,
[85:2] and the promised Day,
[85:3] and a witness and a witnessed:
[85:4] woe to the companions of the trench.
[85:5] The fire with its fuel,
[85:6] they were sitting around it
[85:7] while they witnessed what they did to the believers.
[85:8] They resented them for no reason other than that they believed in God, the Dignified, the Praiseworthy.
[85:9] The One to whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and God is Witness over all things.
[85:10] Those who persecuted the believing men and the believing women then did not repent, they shall have the punishment of Hell, and they shall have the punishment of the Fire.
[85:11] Those who believe and do good deeds shall have Gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great triumph.
[85:12] Indeed, your Lord's blow is severe.
[85:13] Indeed, it is He who initiates and repeats.
[85:14] And He is the Forgiver, the Loving One.
[85:15] Possessor of the Throne, the Glorious.
[85:16] Doer of whatever He wills.
[85:17] Has the story reached you of the soldiers
[85:18] of Pharaoh and Thamoud?
[85:19] But those who disbelieved are in denial,
[85:20] and God is right behind them, encompassing.
[85:21] But this is a Glorious Quran
[85:22] in a Preserved Tablet.
Sura 86 The Tareq (Al-Tareq)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[86:1] By the sky and the Tareq.
[86:2]And how would you know what the Tareq is?
[86:3] The star that produces a hole.
Footnote 86:3 – The Arabic word 'thaqib' used in 86:3 means that which produces a 'thoqb' (hole). The words 'Al-Najm al-thaqib' speak of the star that produces a hole in space. This is an accurate account of massive stars at the end of their life cycle when they collapse to form a 'Black Hole'. The first Black Hole was discovered in 1964.
[86:4] There is no self that has no guardian over it.
[86:5] The human being should look at what he was created from:
[86:6] He was created from a spurting fluid
[86:7] that emerges as that which is in between the solid and the lean.
Footnote 86:6-7 – The 'spurting fluid' is the ejected male semen. The semen is composed of millions of spermatozoa (sperm) swimming in a semi-viscous fluid. The semen structure is neither fully solid nor fully liquid but is 'in between the solid and the lean'.
The sperm, which is produced in the testes, is mixed with the fluids produced by the prostate gland. These fluids are necessary for providing the optimal environment for transporting the sperm in its journey towards the female egg.
[86:8] He is certainly Capable of bringing him back
[86:9] on the Day when all secrets will be put on trial.
[86:10] Then he will have no power nor a supporter.
[86:11] By the sky that returns,
Footnote 86:11 – This is another verse containing scientific content. Water that evaporates from the oceans and seas gathers as clouds that move to distant lands and then is returned to the ground as much needed rain. Another example of the 'returning' attribute of the sky is seen in the telecommunication waves (Radio, T.V. etc.) that are reflected back. This makes it possible for someone in London or Paris to receive signals transmitted in Delhi or Tokyo.
[86:12] and the earth that cracks open;
[86:13] it is indeed a decisive Word.
[86:14] It is not a thing for amusement.
[86:15] They are plotting some scheme,
[86:16] and I am plotting a scheme.
[86:17] So give respite to the disbelievers. Give them respite for a while.
Sura 87 The Most High (Al-Aala)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[87:1] Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High.
[87:2] The One who created and fashioned,
[87:3] and who proportioned and guided,
[87:4] and who brought forth the pasture,
[87:5] then turned it into dark stubble.
[87:6] We will make you read then you will not forget,
[87:7] except what God wills. He knows what is declared and what is hidden.
[87:8] And We will ease you towards ease.
[87:9] So remind, in case the reminder benefits.
[87:10] He who fears will be reminded,
[87:11] while the most wretched will shun it.
[87:12] He is the one who will roast in the greatest Fire.
[87:13] Then he will neither die in it nor live.
[87:14] Successful indeed is the one who purified himself,
[87:15] and remembered the name of his Lord and observed the Salat.
[87:16] However, you prefer the worldly life
[87:17] when the Hereafter is better and longer lasting.
[87:18] Indeed, this is in the earlier Scrolls;
[87:19] the Scrolls of Abraham and Moses.
Sura 88 The Overwhelmer (Al-Ghaasheyah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[88:1] Has there come to you the news of the Overwhelmer?
[88:2] Some faces on that Day will be humbled,
[88:3] labouring and weary,
[88:4] roasting in a blazing Fire,
[88:5] and given to drink from a boiling spring.
[88:6] They will have no food except from a thorny plant.
[88:7] It does not fatten nor avail against hunger.
[88:8] Some faces on that Day will look serene,
[88:9] content with their work,
[88:10] in a high Garden
[88:11] wherein they will hear no idle talk.
[88:12] In it is a flowing spring.
[88:13] In it are raised couches,
[88:14] and placed cups,
[88:15] and lined up cushions,
[88:16] and spread around carpets.
[88:17] Will they not look at the camels, how they were created?
[88:18] And to the sky, how it was raised?
[88:19] And to the mountains, how they were erected?
[88:20] And to the earth, how it was spread out?
[88:21] So remind, for you are but a reminder.
[88:22] You are not a controller over them.
[88:23] However, he who turns away and disbelieves;
[88:24] God will punish him with the greatest punishment.
[88:25] Indeed, to Us is their return.
[88:26] Then indeed, upon Us is their reckoning.
Sura 89 The Dawn (Al-Fajr)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[89:1] By the dawn,
[89:2] and ten nights,
[89:3] and the even and the odd,
[89:4] and the night as it passes:
[89:5] is there an oath in those for one with intelligence?
[89:6] Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with Aad,
[89:7] Iram of the high pillars,
[89:8] whose like was never created in any land?
[89:9] And Thamoud, who carved out the rocks in the valley?
[89:10] And Pharaoh of the stakes?
[89:11] All those transgressed in the land
[89:12] and increased the corruption therein.
[89:13] So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment.
[89:14] Indeed, your Lord is on the watch.
[89:15] Regarding the human being: if his Lord tests him by being generous to him and grants him blessings, he says, "My Lord has been generous to me."
[89:16] But if He tests him by withholding his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me!"
[89:17] Not so! Rather, you are not generous to the orphan.
[89:18] And you do not advocate the feeding of the needy.
[89:19] And you devour the inheritance with insatiable appetites.
[89:20] And you love money with immense love.
[89:21] No indeed! When the earth is reduced to rubble, utterly pounded and crushed,
[89:22] and your Lord comes, with the angels, row after row,
[89:23] and Hell is brought forth on that Day. On that Day, the human being will remember, but what good will the remembrance be for him?
[89:24] He will say, "I wish I had put forward some good for my life."
[89:25] On that Day, none will punish as His punishment,
[89:26] and none will shackle as His shackles.
[89:27] "O you content self,
[89:28] return to your Lord, pleased and appeased.
[89:29] So enter and join My servants,
[89:30] and enter My Paradise."
Sura 90 The Town (Al-Balad)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[90:1] I swear by this town,
[90:2] and you are a resident in this town,
[90:3] and by a begetter and what he begot:
[90:4] We have created the human being into hardship.
[90:5] Does he think that no one will have control over him?
[90:6] He says, "I have squandered vast wealth."
[90:7] Does he think that no one has seen him?
[90:8] Did We not make for him two eyes,
[90:9] a tongue, and two lips,
[90:10] and showed him the two ways?
[90:11] But he has not attempted to break through the difficult path!
[90:12] And how would you know what the difficult path is?
[90:13] It is the freeing of a slave,
[90:14] or feeding on a day of great hunger
[90:15] an orphaned relative,
[90:16] or a needy person in misery,
[90:17] and then to be one of those who believed and encouraged one another to exercise patience, and encouraged one another to show compassion.
[90:18] Those are the companions of the Right.
[90:19] As for those who disbelieved in Our revelations, they are the companions of the Left.
[90:20] Over them is an enclosed Fire.
Sura 91 The Sun (Al-Shams)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[91:1] By the sun and its brightness,
[91:2] and the moon when it follows it,
[91:3] and the day when it reveals it,
[91:4] and the night when it covers it,
[91:5] and the sky and what constructed it,
[91:6] and the earth and what extended it,
[91:7] and the self and what fashioned it,
[91:8] then He inspired it with its depravity and its reverence:
[91:9] he who purifies it has indeed succeeded,
[91:10] and he who pollutes it has indeed failed.
[91:11] Thamoud denied due to their transgression
[91:12] when the most wretched amongst them was dispatched.
[91:13] So the messenger of God said to them, "This is the she-camel of God and her drinking source."
[91:14] But they denied him and hamstrung her, so their Lord crushed them for their sins and levelled it.
[91:15] And He does not fear its consequence.
Sura 92 The Night (Al-Layl)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[92:1] By the night when it covers,
[92:2] and the day when it is revealed,
[92:3] and what created the male and the female:
[92:4] your striving is indeed diverse.
[92:5] As for the one who gives and is reverent,
[92:6] and believes in goodness,
[92:7] We will ease him towards ease.
[92:8] As for the one who is stingy and considers himself in need of no one,
[92:9] and who denies goodness,
[92:10] We will ease him towards hardship.
[92:11] His wealth will not avail him when he falls.
[92:12] It is for Us to provide the guidance,
[92:13] and indeed, to Us belongs the Hereafter and the first life.
[92:14] And so I have warned you about a Fire that is raging.
[92:15] None will roast therein except the most wretched one
[92:16] who denied and turned away.
[92:17] To be kept away from it will be the reverent
[92:18] who gives his money to purify himself.
[92:19] It is not that anyone is owed a favour that needs paying back,
[92:20] but it is only because he seeks the Face of his Lord, the Most High.
[92:21] He will certainly be well content.
Sura 93 The Morning Brightness (Al-Duha)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[93:1] By the morning brightness,
[93:2] and the night when it is still:
[93:3] your Lord has not abandoned you, nor is He displeased.
[93:4] The Hereafter is better for you than the first life.
[93:5] Your Lord will give you, and you will be content.
[93:6] Did He not find you an orphan and sheltered you?
[93:7] And He found you astray and guided you?
[93:8] And He found you in need and enriched you?
[93:9] So as for the orphan: do not oppress,
[93:10] and as for the beggar: do not scold,
[93:11] and as for the blessings of your Lord: you shall proclaim.
Sura 94 The Relief (Al-Sharh)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[94:1] Did We not relieve your chest for you?
[94:2] And We removed from you your burden
[94:3] that weighed heavy on your back?
[94:4] And We raised your repute high for you?
[94:5] For indeed, with hardship, there is ease.
[94:6] Indeed, with hardship, there is ease.
[94:7] So when you are done, straighten up,
[94:8] and your Lord you shall seek.
Sura 95 The Figs (Al-Teen)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[95:1] By the figs and the olives,
[95:2] and the Mount of Seeneen,
Footnote 95:2 - The word 'Seeneen' has been interpreted to mean 'blessed' or 'fair' or 'one with fruitful trees'. It has also been interpreted to mean Sinai.
[95:3] and this secure town:
[95:4] We created the human being in the best design,
[95:5] then reverted him to the lowest of the low,
[95:6] except for those who believe and do good deeds, they shall have a never-ending reward.
[95:7] So what makes you deny the religion after that?
[95:8] Is God not the most just of judges?
Sura 96 That Which Clings (Al-Aalaq)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[96:1] Read in the name of your Lord who created.
[96:2] He created the human being from aalaq.
Footnote 96:2 – The word 'aalaq' is the plural of the word 'aalaqah'. See footnote 22:5.
[96:3] Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous.
[96:4] The One who taught by the pen,
[96:5] taught the human being what he knew not.
[96:6] But no! The human being will transgress,
[96:7] for he considers himself in need of no one.
[96:8] Indeed, to your Lord is the return.
[96:9] Have you seen the one who forbids
[96:10] a servant when he prays?
[96:11] Have you seen if he was upon guidance
[96:12] or if he advocated reverence?
[96:13] Have you seen if he denied and turned away?
[96:14] Did he not know that God sees?
[96:15] But no! If he does not desist, We will drag him by the forelock,
[96:16] a lying, sinful forelock.
[96:17] Let him then call his associates.
[96:18] We will call the Zabanniyah.
Footnote 96:18 - The 'Zabanniyah' are the angels guarding Hell. In 74:30, their number is given as 19. The chief of these angels is 'Maalik' (43:77).
[96:19] No! Do not obey him, but prostrate and draw near.
Sura 97 The Decree (Al-Qadr)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[97:1] Indeed, We brought it down on the Night of Decree.
[97:2] And how would you know what the Night of Decree is?
[97:3] The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
[97:4] The angels and the Ruh descend therein by their Lord's permission with every command.
[97:5] Peaceful it is until the break of dawn.
Sura 98 The Proof (Al-Bayyenah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[98:1] Those who disbelieved among the People of the Book, as well as the mushrikeen, were not going to desist before the clear proof comes to them:
[98:2] a messenger from God reciting purified Scrolls.
[98:3] In them are correct books.
[98:4] And those who were given the Scripture did not become divided except after the clear proof came to them.
[98:5] They were not commanded except to worship God, devoting the religion purely to Him, to be monotheists, to observe the Salat and to give the Zakat. Such is the religion of correctness.
[98:6] Indeed, those who disbelieved among the People of the Book, as well as the mushrikeen, will be in the fire of Hell. Therein, they shall permanently remain. They are the worst of creatures.
[98:7] Indeed, those who believed and did good deeds, they are the best of creatures.
[98:8] Their reward at their Lord is the Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow. Therein, they shall forever remain. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. Such is for those who fear their Lord.
Sura 99 The Quake (Al-Zalzalah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[99:1] When the earth is shaken by its quake,
[99:2] and the earth brings out its loads,
[99:3] and the human being says, "What is the matter with it?"
[99:4] On that Day, it will tell its news,
[99:5] for your Lord has inspired it.
[99:6] On that Day, the people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds.
[99:7] So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it,
[99:8] and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.
Sura 100 The Chargers (Al-Aadeyaat)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[100:1] By the panting chargers,
[100:2] and the producers of sparks,
[100:3] and the raiders in the morning,
[100:4] stirring up thereby a trail of dust,
[100:5] then penetrating collectively through the centre:
[100:6] the human being is indeed ungrateful to his Lord,
[100:7] and indeed, he is to that a witness,
[100:8] and indeed, his love of wealth is insatiable.
[100:9] Does he not know that, when the contents of the graves are scattered,
[100:10] and the contents of the chests are retrieved,
[100:11] indeed, their Lord is All-Aware of them on that Day?
Sura 101 The Striking Calamity (Al-Qaare'ah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[101:1] The Striking Calamity!
[101:2] What is the Striking Calamity?
[101:3] And how would you know what the Striking Calamity is?
[101:4] The Day when people will be like scattered moths,
[101:5] and the mountains will be like fluffed up wool.
[101:6] As for him whose scales are heavy,
[101:7] he will be in a contented life.
[101:8] And as for him whose scales are light,
[101:9] His abode will be an abyss.
[101:10] And how would you know what it is?
[101:11] It is a raging Fire.
Sura 102 The Hoarding (Al-Takaathur)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[102:1] The desire to pile up worldly gains has totally preoccupied you,
[102:2] until you visited the graves.
[102:3] But no! You will know.
[102:4] And again, no! You will surely know.
[102:5] No indeed! If you knew with the knowledge of certainty,
[102:6] you would see Hellfire.
[102:7] Then you will see it with the eye of certainty.
[102:8] Then you will be questioned on that Day about the bliss.
Sura 103 The Time (Al-Asr)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[103:1] By the time:
[103:2] the human being is indeed in loss,
[103:3] except those who believed and did good deeds, and advised one another to uphold the truth, and advised one another to exercise patience.
Sura 104 The Backbiter (Al-Humazah)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[104:1] Woe to every slanderer, backbiter,
[104:2] who hoards money and counts it over,
[104:3] thinking that his money will immortalise him!
[104:4] Not so! He will be thrown into the Destroyer.
[104:5] And how would you know what the Destroyer is?
[104:6] God's kindled Fire
[104:7] that reaches right to the hearts.
[104:8] It is enclosed upon them,
[104:9] in extended columns.
Sura 105 The Elephant (Al-Feel)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[105:1] Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant?
[105:2] Did He not make their schemes go astray?
[105:3] He sent upon them swarms of birds,
[105:4] pelting them with stones of baked clay.
[105:5] So He made them like chewed-up husk.
Sura 106 Quraish (Quraish)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[106:1] For the convenience of Quraish;
[106:2] their convenience during the winter and the summer journeys:
[106:3] they shall worship the Lord of this House
[106:4] who has fed them in the face of hunger and secured them against fear.
Sura 107 The Assistance (Al-Ma'oon)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[107:1] Have you seen the one who denies the religion?
[107:2] He is the one who repulses the orphan,
[107:3] and does not advocate the feeding of the needy.
[107:4] So woe to the observers of the Salat
[107:5] who are totally heedless of their Salat;
[107:6] the ones who show off
[107:7] and withhold assistance.
Sura 108 The Abundance (Al-Kawthar)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[108:1] Indeed, We have given you true abundance.
[108:2] So offer the Salat to your Lord and sacrifice for charity.
[108:3] The one who hates you is indeed the one cut off.
Sura 109 The Disbelievers (Al-Kaferoon)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[109:1] Say, "O you disbelievers,
[109:2] I do not worship what you worship.
[109:3] Nor do you worship what I worship.
[109:4] Nor will I worship what you worship.
[109:5] Nor will you worship what I worship.
[109:6] For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
Sura 110 The Victory (Al-Nasr)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[110:1] When God's victory has come and the conquest,
[110:2] and you have seen the people entering into God's religion in multitudes;
[110:3] glorify your Lord with praise, and ask Him for forgiveness. Indeed, He is Redeemer.
Sura 111 The Fibre Rope (Al-Masad)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[111:1] Doomed are the hands of Abi Lahab, and doomed is he.
[111:2] His wealth did not avail him, nor did what he earned.
[111:3] He will roast in a flaming Fire.
[111:4] And his wife, the firewood carrier,
[111:5] around her neck is a rope of twisted fibre.
Sura 112 The Faithfulness (Al-Ikhlaas)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[112:1] Say, "He is God, the One.
[112:2] God, the Absolute.
[112:3] He begets not, nor was He begotten.
[112:4] And none is akin to Him."
Sura 113 The Daybreak (Al-Falaq)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[113:1] Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak,
[113:2] from the evil of that which He created,
[113:3] and from the evil of darkness when it settles in,
[113:4] and from the evil of the women blowing on knots,
Footnote 113:4 - Blowing on knots is a custom of witchcraft that can be found in occult practices that date back to ancient times.
[113:5] and from the evil of the envious one when he envies."
Sura 114 The People (Al-Naas)
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
[114:1] Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the people,
[114:2] the King of the people,
[114:3] the God of the people,
[114:4] from the evil of the sneaky whisperer,
[114:5] who whispers into the chests of the people,
[114:6] be he of the jinn or the people."
Praise God, the One, the Absolute
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