Part One
Overwhelming Quranic and historic evidence to confirm that God has decreed the Quran to be the only source of religious law for all Muslims.
This page outlines what God requires from any person who wishes to convert to Islam. This page also makes a distinction between God's requirements and what is no more than unnecessary human innovation.
Should new converts to Islam change their names and adopt 'Islamic names'? This Article analyses this issue and resolves the question as to whether there is such a thing as an 'Islamic name'.
A truly awesome discovery by Abdullah Arik regarding the miraculous structure of the first 4 words of the Quran, plus a comprehensive demonstartion of what makes the Quranic miracle a total defiance of the laws of probabilities.
This article sheds light on whether Muslims should always use the word "Allah" when they refer to God, or is the word 'God' equally correct.
The Quran indicates an important difference in the role and definition of prophets and messengers. This article presents the Quranic definition of both titles.
This research presents vital information that every Muslim should know. The research presents the historical account of the documentation of hadith; when it was written and why it was written after being originally prohibited by the prophet.
History of hadith - Continued
An investigating article that presents the Quranic code for women's dress and the necessity to distinguish between God's Law and man-made tradition.
Evidence from within the Quran that proclaims the Quran to be the 19th and final scripture sent to mankind.
This article researches the purpose of ablution and whether it is merely performed for physical cleanliness, or does it have a different purpose? The article also examines the Quranic concept of 'Taharah' (purity) and what it really means.
12- Chinese Whispers
This article demonstrates the effect of consecutive verbal transfers of the same piece of information on the accuracy of its final version. This presents food for thought with relation to the authenticity of the books of hadith upheld by Muslims today.
13- Halal Meat
What is lawful to eat according to the Quran in contrast with what is labelled as 'halal' as a result of human innovation.
Are dogs dirty animals? are dogs prohibited as pets? should we kill all black dogs as some hadith say? What is the Quranic view of these outrageous suggestions?
Numerous scholars have claimed to have uncovered a hidden code in the Bible. This brief article examines the truth in this claim.
This article explains the prohibition of alcohol (intoxicants) and presents the reader with a comprehensive revue of the ill effects of drinking.
Part Two
An investigating article that presents the Quranic truth about Abraham's sacrifice.
What does the Quran say about the rights of Muslims to marry those of other religions.
This article demonstrates why some believers fall for the false claim that the Quran does not contain all the details of the religion.
How should all believers end their Salat and what words should they say.
What does the word "Ujoor" for women in marriage mean? Is it a one off dowry or is it an on-going wage to be paid (by the husband) to his wife throughtout marriage?
Is there any benefit from offering prayers for the dead? A Quranic insight into this issue.
Does the Quran support the Reincarnation theory?
If all the details are in the Quran, what is the legality of all the set frequencies with regards to our worship practices?
25- Al-Rahman
A New insight into the meaning of one of God's names "Al-Rahman"
Can the devil bring physical harm, hardship or adversity upon the human being?
In this day and age it is no longer necessary to wear a turban and grow a beard to be recognised as a Muslim "Mufasser" (Interpreter), there is a new wave of Internet "Interpreters" who are doing a great job in dismantling many Quranic concepts!
Who was the servant of God who walked, talked and passed wisdom to Moses?
Do the believers really die? What does the Quran say?
Are the collections of Bukhari and Muslim the true teachings of the prophet?
In a well researched article brother Mike Blessing questions the origin of the second shahadah and its validity.
The answer to this question is presented here with a very well written article by brother Edip Yuksel.
Part Three
An investigating article that presents the Quranic truth about the wearing of the Burka and how it is not authorised by God.
A Quranic presentation of the correct definition of the concept of Jihad.
A much disputed concept, and its implication to the question of when does fthe daily fasting end?
Available evidence from the 'hadith' books confirm that the prophet Muhammad was praying three times a day.
If God is the Most Merciful why does He allow believers to suffer through hardship and adversity?
We note that the Quran uses numerous allegories, what is the purpose of such allegories and what do they add to the general message of the book?
39- Man made Prohibitions
39- Man made Prohibitions
Medieval Imams and their man made prohibitions are giving Islam a wrong image.
40- Who are "Ebad Allah Al-Muklaseen" 38:83?
40- Who are "Ebad Allah Al-Muklaseen" 38:83?
The phrase "Ebad Allah Al-Mukhlaseen" is used in a number of Quranic verses. What does it mean?
We read in the Quran that God favoured the Children of Israel over all mankind, what is the real meaning of this favour?
The Biblical prohibition of pig and how most Christians are unaware of this prohibition.
44- 'Millat Ibrahim' (The creed of Abraham)
What does the Quranic command to follow 'millat Ibrahim' really mean, and how its misinterpretation opened a new door to follow many practises not authorised in the Quran.
The Biblical verses which shed light on this issue.
What does the Quran say about multiple wives?
Another case of how the puppet Sharia courts are trashing God's law in the Quran.
Do these people really understand the message of the Quran!
Part Four
Glimpses of God's awesome mercy unvieled in the Quran
Does God's promise to preserve the Quran mean that God will chop off the hand of anyone who tries to add words to the Quran, to remove from it? This page provides a Quranic view of the correct meaning of Quranic preservation.
How lawful are the temporary marriages contracted by some Muslims in the light of the Quran?
52- More about the age of 40
52- More about the age of 40
Why it is difficult for some to accept the age of 40 ruling, plus additional analysis into this merciful act of God.
53- The use of 'We' in the Quran
53- The use of 'We' in the Quran
Often God uses the plural 'We' or 'Us' in the Quran. Does that denote multiple gods as some non-Muslims claim?
54- Before Calculation there must be Authorization
54- Before Calculation there must be Authorization
An analysis of the deceptive calculations worked out by some to justify their non Quranic rituals.
55- The Human Immune System
55- The Human Immune System
In this article by sister Anita H. we learn interesting scientific information about the intricate workings of our Immun Systems which are designed by God for our protection.
56- Is God more merciful in the Bible than the Quran?
56- Is God more merciful in the Bible than the Quran?
What is the truth of the argument put forth that the Quran speaks of deeds as being the sole decider for one's fate in the Hereafter, while as in the Bible it is all about God's mercy?
A presentation of this subject in the Quran.
A Quranic analysis of all the innovations and lies against the Quran regarding Child Marriages.
60- Debunking more claims for the need for hadith
Further claims from the hadith advocates proposing that following the Quran alone is insufficient. These claims are analysed and debunked.
61- Before you debate with a hadith follower, know the Quranic facts
60- Debunking more claims for the need for hadith
Further claims from the hadith advocates proposing that following the Quran alone is insufficient. These claims are analysed and debunked.
61- Before you debate with a hadith follower, know the Quranic facts
The Quranic replies to the traditional arguments posed by the hadith followers with which they justify following the hadith and sunna of the Prophet.
A study of the punishment of theft in the Quran.
A Quranic study of the issue of slavery and whether it is allowed or prohibited.
A Quranic study into this issue which is always being debated.
Part Five
Excellent research into the true age of Aisha when she married Prophet Muhammad.
Is this Salat a congregational Salat and what is its time?
Were the previous scripture available in their uncorrupted form when the Quran was revealed? Are they uncorrupted till today?
Should we not say the words "Allah Akbar" in our Salat? Are these words not in the Quran?
What is the truth of the hadith of the Prophet during his 'Farewell Sermon' in which it is claimed that he instructed his followers to follow his Sunna?
What if we make it to Heaven and our loved ones do not? This article is an analysis of these questions in the light of the Quran.
Analytic article which examines Sufism in the light of the Quran.
Analytic article which examines cremation in the light of the Quran.
Analytic article which examines the truth of the concept of the 'punishment of the grave' in the light of the Quran.
Analytic article which examines the truth of this matter in the light of the Quran.
Analytic article which examines the truth of this matter in the light of the Quran.
The Quranic definition of these two great sins and the difference between them.
Is the 'hadd al-riddah' (killing of apostates) authorised in the Quran?
Does God prohibit women from observing their Salat and from fasting during menstruation?
A study that examines the significance of these words in 3:36.
A study that examines the correct meaning of 18:50.
Part Six
A comparative research which compares the Biblical Jesus with the Jesus portrayed by the Church, then both in comparison to the Quran's portrayal of Jesus.
An inquiry into the authenticity of this covenant from a Quranic perspective.
A study that examines the significance of these words in 3:36.
A study that examines the correct meaning of 18:50.
Part Six
A comparative research between what the Quran states and what the hadith followers follow.
A comparative research which compares the Biblical Jesus with the Jesus portrayed by the Church, then both in comparison to the Quran's portrayal of Jesus.
A presentation of the requirements mentioned in the Quran for marriage.
Are jinn able to possess people? What is the truth about magic?
An inquiry into the act of suspicion from a Quranic perspective.
A Quranic perspective of these terms, and an inquiry into the legality of using such terms, as well as the truth in them.
87- Tears in Heaven!
87- Tears in Heaven!
How is it possible for the believers who make it to Paradise to be happy when they know that their loved ones are suffering in Hell?
Why are only some people guided and not all people?
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